Data Processing Musterklauseln

Data Processing. Upon accepting the order, the Supplier grants us its consent to the processing of the personal data, which arise in conjunction with the business relationship, at the computer centres of our Group in Germany and abroad.
Data Processing. Personal data processed via the Software by you, e.g., in the context of data analysis, is performed by ATLAS.ti as a data processor on our customers’ behalf and on our customers’ instruction. This data processing is subject to the ATLAS.ti Data Processing Agreement, that is, as part of the agreement, accessible at
Data Processing. Personal data is only collected if this is necessary for the fulfillment of the contract. All personal data will be treated as strictly confidential and will not be passed on to third parties. All data processing take place within the EU and in compliance with Austrian and European data protection law. Lebensfeuer ® graphics and measurement data of the user in the analysis portal can be used in anonymous form for the further development of the statistical assessments, for scientific studies, sample images, training documents, presentations and publications by Autonom Health ®. This anonymized data remain in the web portal even after personal data has been deleted and is included in the statistics of the comparison data. Autonom Health is also allowed to pass this anonymized data on to partners and professionals of Autonom Health ®. The latter may also use them in anonymised form, provided that the copyright is respected by citing appropriate sources.
Data Processing. 12.1 The customer consents to the data processing of their address and the data required for the business transactions for internal purposes pursuant to section 22 of the data protection law.
Data Processing. The Licensor reserves the right to use business-related data provided by the Licensee and any associated personal data for the Licensee's employees (i.e. contact data for the Licensor's contact partner at the Licensee's company) to contact the Licensee. To this end, the Licensee assures that legitimate grounds to process its employee's personal data exist. Furthermore, this processing shall also be governed by the terms of the Licensor's privacy policy, which constitutes an annex to this agreement. The Licensor shall also be entitled to process all data generated by the use of the licensed software to analyse and improve the licensed software.
Data Processing. 1. Der Lieferant und der Besteller beachten die einschlägigen datenschutz- rechtlichen Vorschriften. 1. The Supplier and the Ordering Party shall observe the applicable regula- tions under data protection laws. 2. Sofern der Lieferant in Kontakt mit personenbezogenen Daten des Bestel- lers kommt, wird der Lieferant solche Daten i.S.d. Bundesdatenschutzgesetz (BDSG) sowie der Verordnung (EU) 2016/679 des Europäischen Parla- ments und des Rates zum Schutz natürlicher Personen bei der Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten (Datenschutz-Grundverordnung – DSGVO) nur im Rahmen der Weisung des Bestellers erheben, verarbeiten oder nutzen. Der Lieferant und der Besteller sind dann verpflichtet, etwa datenschutz- rechtlich erforderliche Zusatzvereinbarungen nach Maßgabe des Art. 28 DSGVO abzuschließen. Der Besteller bleibt in jedem Fall verantwortliche Stelle für die im Rahmen der Vertragserfüllung vom Lieferanten etwa verar- beitete und genutzte personenbezogenen Daten. Für die Zulässigkeit der weisungsgemäß durchgeführten Datenverarbeitung und -nutzung bleibt ausschließlich der Besteller verantwortlich. 2. If the Supplier comes into contact with personal data of the Ordering Party, the Supplier shall only collect, process or use such data as referred to in the German Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) and EU Regulation (EU 2016/679) of the European Parliament and the Council for the protection of natural persons during the processing of personal data (GDPR) within the framework of the instructions of the Ordering Party. The Supplier and the Ordering Party shall then be obliged to conclude any necessary addi- tional agreements under data protection laws in accordance with the pro- visions of Article 28 GDPR. In all cases, the Ordering Party shall remain responsible for the personal data which is processed and used by the Sup- plier within the scope of the performance of the contract. The Ordering Party shall remain solely responsible for the lawfulness of the data pro- cessing and use which takes place in accordance with its instructions. 3. Der Lieferant und der Besteller verpflichten ihre Mitarbeiter auf die Einhal- tung des Datengeheimnisses, sofern nicht bereits eine solche Verpflichtung besteht. 3. The Supplier and the Ordering Party shall place an obligation on their em- ployees to comply with data secrecy, unless such an undertaking already exists. X.