Delivery time Musterklauseln

Delivery time. 3.1 The Products shall be delivered at the time stated in HMS’s order confirmation.
Delivery time. 1. The agreement of delivery times (delivery times and dates) must be in writing. Delivery times and dates are non-binding, unless Model has previously designated them in writing as binding.
Delivery time. 8.1 The delivery time shall start as soon as the contract is entered into, all official formalities such as, but not limited to, import, export, transit and payment permits have been completed, payments due with the order have been made, any agreed securities given and the main technical points settled. The delivery time shall be deemed to be observed if by that time the supplier has sent a notice to the customer informing him that the su- plies are ready for dispatch.
Delivery time. (1) The agreed delivery dates are binding. Timeliness of performance shall be determined by the handover of the object of purchase at the agreed place of performance (Erfüllungsort). The AN shall be entitled to early (part) delivery only upon written consent of the AG. The AN shall immediately notify the AG in writing of any delivery delays, providing the expected date of delivery. The rights of the AG concerning delay shall remain unaffected.
Delivery time. The specified delivery time is not binding. If a binding delivery time (delivery period) has been agreed, we shall only be in default if the customer has set a grace period of at least 8 weeks in writing. The customer shall only be entitled to withdraw from the contract in the event of a delay in delivery if we are unable to make a binding delivery promise within the period of grace. No claims for damages can be derived from delays in delivery. Force majeure of any kind, shortage of raw materials, unforeseen difficulties, including those caused by the nature of the manufacturing process, delays in delivery by sub-suppliers, operational restrictions, official measures or other unforeseen obstacles to manufacture or delivery, including strikes or lock-outs at our premises or those of our sub-suppliers, shall entitle us to exceed delivery times or to withdraw from the contract, in whole or in part, without the customer being entitled to subsequent delivery or compensation. We reserve the right to make partial deliveries without the customer being entitled to subsequent delivery or compensation, save in the event of wilful wrongdoing or gross negligence. In the event of any delay in acceptance on the part of the customer, we shall be entitled to withdraw from the contract or to claim damages after granting a grace period of not more than 3o days. If the preconditions required for supply are not met by the Customer as required under contract, any delivery deadlines shall not start to run and all agreements concerning liquidated damages or other contractual penalties shall lapse. In the event of any delay in the execution of a product or order for which we are not at fault, we must be informed of it by the Customer in writing without undue delay. The delivery deadlines shall not apply in such an eventuality. It will only be possible to take account of structural modifications or subsequent change requests from the Buyer made after the order confirmation was issued if we have not yet started production. This shall result under all circumstances in a surcharge and an extension of the delivery deadline. If the order cannot be completed within the foreseeable future due to technical or other reasons beyond our control, we shall be entitled to claim payment for all costs incurred until that time in accordance with the contract concluded with the Customer. In such an eventuality, we shall also be entitled to withdraw from the contract if the problems that have arisen ...
Delivery time. The delivery time shall begin on the date the Contractor receives the purchase order. The delivery time shall include the trial run. The Contractor shall be deemed overdue after the delivery time has expired, without a reminder being required. If delays are to be expected, the Contractor shall indicate this immediately in writing, specifying the reasons for and likely duration of the delay. Irrespective of this, any delay shall result in a price reduction of 0.2% per day. The Principal and its agents shall not only be entitled to obtain information from the Contractor during office hours on matters pertinent to the proper execution of the delivery, but also to participate in company tests and carry out tests. The Principal shall bear the costs of any tests arranged by it, provided the personnel or equipment required for the tests is provided by the Principal. Repeat tests carried out by the Principal due to faults detected in previous tests shall be paid for in full by the Contractor.* When awarding subcontracts the Contractor undertakes to ensure that the subcontractor grants the Principal by way of contract the right to information and to carry out tests at the subcontractor’s to the extent described above. The tests shall not release the Contractor from its warranty and liability.
Delivery time. 9.1. Specific performance deadlines and dates shall only apply if they have been expressly agreed with the customer in writing in individual cases.
Delivery time. 1. The delivery period calculated after order confirmation until the date of clarification of all details of the order, ie after receipt of all documents. It is not binding, but such that it can be withheld from a regular flow of production.
Delivery time. The delivery time starts after clarification of the order. An appropriate extension of the delivery time occurs if the buyer does not keep to his commitments or if, as a result of unforeseen, undeserved or exceptional occurrences in the supplier's works or at his sub-suppliers the delivery is delayed, e g by Force Majeure, mobilization, interruption in the normal flow of traffic, lock-outs at the supplier's factory or at sub- suppliers, the occurrence of waste, delayed or faulty delivery of raw material, or delays in any requisite official permits. In case of delayed part deliveries the buyer has no right to claim for the balancing part. Claims for compensation of any kind are excluded in case of delayed delivery. Information concerning delivery dates are given without obligation. They do not entitle the buyer to put us in default.
Delivery time. Any delivery deadline agreed upon shall only be considered approximate (calendar week), unless the customer, when placing his order, has declared in writing his special interest for a delivery in time on a due date and that we have con- firmed this particular date in writing as binding. Should an approximately determined delivery time (calendar week) be substantially exceeded (more than 15 calendar days), then the customer may set us in writing a reasonable subsequent deadline of at least ten calendar days. The same shall apply if a binding, confirmed delivery deadline (specific date) has been exceeded. After the expiry of the subsequent deadline, the customer shall be entitled to his statutory rights. If the customer is not an end consumer, then the customer shall only be entitled to assert a claim for compensation of dam- ages, instead of performance of contract, if at least gross negligence can be demonstrated with reference to exceed- ing the deadline. Unforeseen occurrences or acts of God which are to be found outside our sphere of influence, such as natural phenomena, war, traffic or operational disruptions, strikes, lockouts, delays in delivery of raw materials or energy, governmental decrees, etc. shall have, accordingly, the effect of lengthening any deadlines. Should the disrup- tion last longer than 3 months, then the rights of both parties shall be determined according to statutory regulations. Partial deliveries of the complete order may be made without notice. We reserve the right to issue intermediate invoic- es for any partial deliveries made. Should the customer specifically request partial deliveries, he shall be under obliga- tion to meet any additional costs that may arise through this act. If the customer is not the end consumer, the following shall apply: if the customer terminates the contract for reasons that are deemed unacceptable by us, by mutual agree- ment or by act of law, we reserve the right of invoicing any expenses incurred through transport, storage and produc- tion. The amount of expense restitution shall be limited to 25% of the invoice amount order value. Any right for compen- sation for damages that may exist shall not be affected by this measure.