Liability insurance. 7.1 Messe Berlin assumes full liability for all damages resulting from intention or gross negligence on the part of Messe Ber- lin, its legal representatives or managing staff.
7.2 Messe Berlin is fundamentally liable for damages caused due to gross negligence on the part of assistants employed by Messe Berlin. This liability is limited to damages that are generally associated with this type of contract.
7.3 Messe Berlin is fundamentally liable for every breach of contract with regard to major contractual obligations. Major con- tractual obligations are defined as those that are vital to achieving the objectives of the contract (cardinal obligations). For breaches of cardinal obligations, provided they do not fall under Section 7.1, liability is limited to damages that are generally associated with this type of contract.
7.4 The limits of liability according to Paragraphs 1 through 3 do not apply to liability for insufficient warranted quality, liability according to German product liabil- ity laws, and liability for loss of life, limb, or health.
7.5 Messe Berlin is not liable for pre- existing deficiencies associated with rented space and equipment (guarantee liability), regardless of fault.
7.6 The exhibitor is liable in accordance with legal regulations. It is recommended that exhibitors carry sufficient insurance. For further details, see the Exhibitor Service Documents.
Liability insurance. Cancellation, Non-participation on the Part of the Exhibitor; Withdrawal from the Contract by Messe Berlin
Liability insurance. If a claim has been asserted against you, you must notify us thereof within one week. If the liability claim is taken to a court of law, you shall allow us to conduct the proceedings and grant the legal counsel full power of attorney. The premium is due for the first time on commencement of the insurance contract and is payable each month in advance. The payment of the premium can be made by using one of the available payment methods (e.g. SEPA direct debit or credit card). If a contract is valid for a term of longer than one month, the renewal premium is payable on the 1st day of the new month respectively. Insurance cover begins at the time stated in the insurance policy (start of insurance), however not before applying for insurance, not before crossing the border and not before the expiry of any waiting periods. Waiting periods are calculated from the commencement of insurance. Insurance cover ends at the agreed time, at the latest at the end of the insured stay in the agreed area of validity. The insurance contract can be agreed for full months in each case and for a maximum term of 48 months. You may cancel your policy at any time. It will then expire at the end of that month. 2020-1072 AVB 20 Dokumente zur Versicherungspolice Die Leistungen im Überblick • Krankenversicherung Kein Selbstbehalt • Notruf-Versicherung • Unfallversicherung Versicherungssummen: je Person bis zu € 140.000,- bei Invalidität, € 10.000,- bei Tod • Haftpflichtversicherung Versicherungssummen: € 1.000.000,- je Person bei Personen- und Sachschäden, € 250.000,- für Mietsachschäden Wir sind für Sie da Bei Notfällen ist die Assistance für Sie da. Unser 24-Stunden-Notfall-Service bietet Ihnen rund um die Uhr schnelle und fachkundige Hilfe weltweit! Telefon: +49.89.6 00 00-000 • Halten Sie die genaue Anschrift und Telefonnummer Ihres derzeitigen Aufenthalts- orts bereit. • Notieren Sie sich die Namen Ihrer Ansprechpartner wie z. B. Arzt, Krankenhaus, Polizei. • Schildern Sie möglichst genau den Sachverhalt und halten Sie alle notwendigen An- gaben bereit.
Liability insurance. The contractor undertakes - before taking over a transport - to present the insurance policy to the principal without being asked, as confirmation of sufficient insurance coverage (minimum insurance sum € 600 000,- per case of damage) which is cus- tomary in Austria. This insurance must also cover lia- bility according to Art. 29 CMR and damage during loading and unloading operations. If the principal is not presented with the insurance policy covering the freight forwarder’s liability insurance before the transport is carried out, he is entitled to obtain in- surance coverage for this transport in favour of the contractor; in this case the principal is entitled to de- duct 4% (but at least € 40,-) from the agreed freight price. The refund of premiums is not possible after- wards. The contractor must ensure on his own initia- tive that the above mentioned insurance policy is available to the principal. For cabotage transports the minimum insurance sum must comply with the respective national legal requirements. The principal must be informed immediately of any changes.
Liability insurance. In the event of accidents, loss, theft or improper operation of the rented vehicle, or in the event of any breach of contractual obligations herein, you shall be liable for the repair costs incurred as a result thereof or, in the case of a total write-off, for the replacement value of the rented vehicle less its residual value, unless you can demonstrate that you are not at fault for the damage or loss. Additionally, you shall be liable for additional losses and costs such as any reduction in value, towing, and recovery costs, as well as expert’s fees to assess vehicle value or damages. The rental vehicle has third-party liability insurance and fully comprehensive insurance. The third-party liability has no deductible. Third-party liability is limited to $ 1,000,000. If legal claims are asserted against you in connection with the rental vehicle or arising out of this Rental Agreement in any way, you shall give immediate notification thereof to Roadsurfer in writing. The Rental Firm shall indemnify the Hirer in accordance with the principles of fully comprehensive insurance on the basis of the respective valid terms and conditions of the General Terms and Conditions for Motor Vehicle Insurance, with an excess plus a flat rate fee for damage to the rented vehicle per case of damage or loss according to the Fee Table. The Hirer shall have the right to prove that no damage or loss was incurred, or that the damage or loss incurred is considerably lower than the flat rate fee. The exemption from liability covers damage caused by an accident, i.e., by an event suddenly impacting directly from the outside with mechanical force; operating damage and damage strictly due to breakage shall not constitute damage caused by an accident. Likewise, damage between a towing vehicle and a towed vehicle or trailer without any impact from the outside shall not constitute damage caused by an accident. In particular, therefore, the exemption from liability shall not include damage or loss incurred as a result of a hook- up error or incorrect filling (of the water tank or fuel tank), improper use (such as driving on unpaved roads) or as a result of the load. Please note the following with respect to the rented vehicle: • Never extend the awning in strong wind or rain and never leave it unattended while it is extended. The cost of a new awning with installation shall be borne by you, if you breach this obligation. These costs may exceed the value of your security deposit! • The wat...
Liability insurance. The contractor undertakes - before taking over a transport - to present the insurance policy to the principal without being asked, as confirmation of sufficient insurance coverage (minimum insurance sum € 600 000,- per case of damage) which is cus- tomary in Austria. This insurance must also cover liability according to Art. 29 CMR and damage dur- ing loading and unloading operations. If the principal is not presented with the insurance policy covering the freight forwarder’s liability insurance before the transport is carried out, he is entitled to obtain insur- ance coverage for this transport in favour of the con- tractor; in this case the principal is entitled to deduct 4% (but at least € 40,-) from the agreed freight price. The refund of premiums is not possible afterwards. The contractor must ensure on his own initiative that the above mentioned insurance policy is available to the principal. For cabotage transports the minimum insurance sum must comply with the respective na- tional legal requirements. The principal must be in- formed immediately of any changes. The contractor is furthermore also obligated to in- sure cabotage-transports according to the previous stipulations.
Liability insurance. The contractor undertakes - before taking over a transport - to present the insurance policy to the principal without being asked, as confirmation of sufficient insurance coverage (minimum insurance sum € 600 000,- per case of damage) which is cus- tomary in Austria. This insurance must also cover lia- bility according to Art. 29 CMR and damage during loading and unloading operations. If the principal is not presented with the insurance policy covering the freight forwarder’s liability insurance before the
Liability insurance. Insurance coverage for the rented vehicle shall encompass third-party liability insurance with a maximum amount of coverage in the case of personal injury and material damage in the amount of EUR 50 million. The maximum amount of coverage for each injured person shall amount to EUR 8 million and shall be limited to Europe. In the event that the Lessee has taken out a passenger accident insurance policy, there shall be an amount of coverage in accordance with the lump-sum system in the event of death in the amount of EUR 10,000.00; in the event of invalidity, in the amount of up to EUR 20,000.00.
Liability insurance. The client acknowledges that, according to sec. 12 (7) of the Accreditation Act 2012 and the Accreditation Insurance Ordinance respectively, Regulation (EU) 2017/745 and Regulation (EU) 2017/746, Annex VII, clause 1.4.1, QMD Services has taken out a policy of compulsory liability insurance with UNIQA Sachversicherung AG, insurance policy No. 2130/001544-9. The annex contains excerpts of the Terms and Conditions of Insurance. The lump-sum insured (see Art. 6 of the annexed Terms and Conditions and sec. 2 of the ABPA) totals EUR 10,000,000.00 (euro ten million) for infringements committed within the EEA and Switzerland and Euro 3,500,000 (Euro three point five million) for other infringements committed worldwide. QMD Services shall provide the client with a copy of the entire insurance contract at any time upon the client’s request.
Liability insurance. The contractor undertakes - before taking over a transport - to present the insurance policy to the prin- cipal without being asked, as confirmation of suffi- cient insurance coverage (minimum insurance sum € in Österreich branchenübliche Versicherung dem Auftraggeber unaufgefordert vorzulegen. Diese Ver- sicherung muss auch eine Haftung gem. Art. 29 CMR und Schäden bei Be- und Entladevorgängen de- cken. Sollte dem Auftraggeber vor Durchführung des Transportes die Versicherungspolizze über die Einde- ckung der Verkehrshaftungsversicherung nicht vorlie- gen, ist dieser berechtigt, eine Versicherungsde- ckung für diesen Transport zu Gunsten des Auftrag- nehmers einzuholen; in diesem Fall ist der Auftragge- ber berechtigt, 4 % (mindestens jedoch € 40) vom vereinbarten Frachtpreis in Abzug zu bringen. Die Prämienrückerstattung ist im Nachhinein nicht mehr möglich. Der Auftragnehmer hat selbst von sich aus dafür Sorge zu tragen, dass die obige Versicherungs- polizze dem Auftraggeber vorliegt. Für Kabotage Transporte muss die Mindestversicherungssumme den jeweiligen nationalen gesetzlichen Vorgaben entsprechen. Über allfällige Änderungen ist der Auf- traggeber sofort zu informieren.