Ownership Musterklauseln

Ownership. (1) The retention of title agreed below serves to secure all existing current and future claims of TINY Technologies against the Client from the supply relationship between the contracting parties for the goods delivered by TINY Technologies (including balance claims from a current account relationship limited to this delivery relationship).
Ownership. If we make drawings available to the Supplier, or issue special technical instructions to the Supplier, for the manufacture of items, we shall acquire ownership of these items, including all parts and materials used in that respect, at the start of the manufacture (or upon the inclusion of the parts), and the Supplier is to store these items up until forwarding to us. Third parties may not be granted access to such items without our written approval, and these items may not be sold to such third parties. Insofar as we provide the Supplier with parts, we shall retain ownership of such parts. Processing or transformation by the Supplier shall be deemed to have been performed on our behalf. If our reserved goods are processed using other items that we do not own, we shall acquire co-ownership of the new item in proportion of the value of our item (final invoice amount including value added tax) to that of the other processed items at the time of processing. If the item made available by us is inseparably blended with items that we do not own, we shall acquire co-ownership of the new item in proportion of the value of the reserved item (final invoice amount including value added tax) to that of the other blended items at the time of blending. If the mixing is performed in such a manner that the Supplier's item is to be regarded as the primary item, it shall be deemed agreed upon that the Supplier shall assign proportionate co-ownership to us; the Supplier shall store the solely-owned or co-owned items on our behalf. We reserve ownership to tools; the Supplier further undertakes to use the tools exclusively for the manufacture of the goods we have ordered. The Supplier undertakes to insure, at its own cost, the tools that we own at replacement value with cover for fire damage, water damage and damage caused by theft. At the same time, the Supplier assigns at this point in time to us all compensation claims resulting from such an insurance policy; we hereby accept the assignment. The Supplier undertakes to perform servicing and inspection work on our tools that may be required and to perform all maintenance and repair work at its own cost in good time. The Supplier is to notify us immediately of any malfunctions; if it culpably fails to do so, this shall not affect claims for damages. Insofar as the security rights to which we are entitled in accordance with sub-section (1.) and/or sub-section (2.) exceed the purchase price of all our reserved goods, which have ...
Ownership. 1. We reserve ownership of the delivered item until all claims arising from the delivery contract have been paid in full. This also applies to all future deliveries, even if we do not always expressly refer to this. We are entitled to reclaim the purchased item if the customer behaves in breach of contract.
Ownership. The Joint Procurement agreement permits to the Contracting Authorities to have the rights to own and use the product RINA with the new developments after the three years of the agreement. A CA leaving or defaulting the JPA shall, after having paid the due amount for all 3 years, have these rights too with the difference that the rights are connected to the product as it was (in production and testing) at the moment of leaving the JPA.
Ownership. The Licensor Materials are licensed, not sold. Licensor (and its suppliers, as applicable) retain title to and ownership in all intellectual property rights, throughout the world, in the Licensor Materials and other materials and data made available by or on behalf of Licensor. Nothing in this Agreement will be deemed to convey to Licensee any title, ownership, or other intellectual property rights in or related to the Licensor Materials or other materials or data made available by or on behalf Audit. Licensee shall maintain full and accurate accounts and records of the location of each copy of the Licensor Materials, and the location and identity of the computers on which the Licensor Materials are installed, accessed and used, examination of which would enable Licensor to verify statements made by Licensee and to confirm Licensee’s compliance with the requirements of this Agreement. In addition to Licensor’s rights in Section 4.4, Licensor, its agents or representatives, may, upon fifteen Whole Product. Licensee shall not separate component parts of any licensed Software product (or associated Licensed Materials) for independent use. Licensee may only install and use each licensed Software product (and associated Licensed Materials) as provided by Licensor as one product. Injunctive Relief. Licensee acknowledges that the obligations of Licensee under this Section 4 are of a special and unique character which gives them peculiar value to Licensor for which Licensor cannot be reasonably or adequately compensated in damages in the event Licensee breaches such obligations. Licensee therefore agrees that injunctive relief is an appropriate remedy for such breach or threatened breach. Such relief shall be in addition to, and not in lieu of, any other rights or remedies in law or equity to which Licensor may be entitled.
Ownership. 5. Eigentumsrechte. Save and except for the limited Software License granted to Customer, no title to, or ownership of, or any other proprietary rights in the Software, Documentation or any iGrafx intellectual property or technology are transferred to Customer. Mit Ausnahme der dem Kunden gewährten begrenzten Softwarelizenz werden dem Kunden keine Ansprüche, Eigentums- oder Urheberrechte an der Software, der Dokumentation oder an geistigem Eigentum oder Technologie von iGrafx übertragen. Customer is entitled to receive Basic Technical Support during the Warranty Period set forth in Section 11 (Limited Warranty/Liability Limitation). Der Kunde hat während der in Absatz 11 (Eingeschränkte Gewährleistung/Haftungsbegrenzung) festgelegten Gewährleistungsfrist ein Anrecht auf Basic Technical Support. More information about the Basic Technical Support can be found in Section 7.6 (Technical Support Levels) below. Nähere Informationen zu Basic Technical Support sind dem Absatz 7.6 (Leistungsstufen des Technischen Supports) weiter unten zu entnehmen.
Ownership. Beim Kauf von Exklusivrechten behält der Lizenznehmer 100% der Rechte (Urheberrecht und Eigentum) an dem Instrumental, kann es jedoch nicht mehr exklusiv und / oder nicht mehr exklusiv weiterverkaufen.
Ownership. All goods remain our property until complete payment of the amount invoiced including all additional charges has been re- ceived.The purchaser may make use of the goods within the scope of normal business practice but not barter with them nor assign transfer. Claims from resale are herewith assigned to us. 8 .Complaints, Liability for defects Complaints about the purchased items: if the carton was dama- ged - please claim with the delivery agent; in case of other Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0x 00000 Xxxxxxxxxxxx fon +00 00 00 000000 fax +00 00 00 000000 xxxx@xxxx-xxxxx.xx xxx.xxxx-xxxxx.xx DE 311 578 794 de- fects, please claim with us within 3 days after receipt of the goods. Before sending items back to our of ce, please contact and inform us so we can agree to the rrturn of the goods.
Ownership. You agree that Xxxx owns all rights, titles, and interests in and to the Service Offering and all improvements, enhancements, modifications, and derivative works, and all intellectual property rights in all of these. Your rights to use the Service Offering are limited to those specifically stated in writing in the Agreement. You agree that You do not have any other implied rights in, or to, the Service Offering. Dell reserves all rights not granted to You in the Agreement.
Ownership. 11.1 Any component parts or materials provided by UFZ shall remain the property of UFZ. They shall be marked as such by the AN and stored separately, designated, carefully stored and managed and insured against damage to a reasonable extent. If material orders are processed, it is agreed that UFZ is the manufacturer within the meaning of Section 950 paragraph 1 BGB. The AN shall hold property of UFZ in safe custody free of charge.