SCOPE OF APPLICATION. These General Terms and Conditions of Business (GTCB) apply to all bookings made at the “Restaurant Zum See” restaurant and to all services provided in this connection. Possible terms and conditions of business of the person placing the order/client (referred to below as the “guest”) shall not apply.
SCOPE OF APPLICATION. 1.1. Unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing, the follow- ing General Terms and Conditions of Purchase (herein- after referred to as “these Terms”) apply to any and all, also future, requests made and orders placed by BFT GmbH (hereinafter referred to as “BFT”) in connection with supplies and other services (hereinafter referred to as “Supplies”) as well as to any other contracts with a vendor (hereinafter referred to as the “Vendor”; the Vendor and BFT are hereinafter jointly referred to as the “Parties”) and form an integral part of any purchase con- tract concluded with BFT.
SCOPE OF APPLICATION. These General Terms and Conditions (as of 02/2017) apply to all contracts, the subject matter of which is the provision of advice and information by Xx. Xxxxxxxx und Partner Rechtsanwälte mbB and its partners (hereinafter collectively referred to as “partnership”) to the client, including any advice in business management and litigation. The scope extends to all future business relationships.
SCOPE OF APPLICATION. 1.1. These general terms and conditions (“T&C”) shall apply to all contractual agree- ments between Xxxxxx Xxxxxx XxxX (”Xxxxxx”) and its customers (”Customer”) unless otherwise explicitly agreed upon in the respective contract (“Contract”).
SCOPE OF APPLICATION. 1.1. These general terms and conditions shall be applicable to all agreements, offers and deliveries between b2 electronics GmbH (6833 Klaus, Austria) as well as b2 electronics GmbH Branch Office Germany (50767 Köln, Germany) (hereafter referred to as “b2”) and the buyer for the relevant business transaction and for all future transactions, even if not explicitly referred to in individual cases, particularly in supplementary or subsequent orders.
SCOPE OF APPLICATION. 1.1 The following General Terms and Conditions (GTC) for advertising bookings on advertising spaces of TIER Mobility SE and associated system brands (hereinafter referred to collectively as "TIER") apply exclusively to entrepreneurs, merchants, legal entities under public law and special funds under public law for all advertising bookings.
SCOPE OF APPLICATION. 1.1. All offers and deliveries of Kalmar Germany GmbH (hereinafter referred to as "Kalmar") as well as service and repair contracts shall be governed exclusively by the following terms and conditions and in addition by the statutory provisions. Any terms and conditions of business of the Customer which conflict with or deviate from these terms and conditions shall not be recognised unless Xxxxxx has expressly agreed to them in writing.
SCOPE OF APPLICATION. 1.1 The following General Terms and Conditions (GTC) for advertising bookings on advertising spaces of nextbike GmbH and associated system brands (hereinafter referred to collectively as "nextbike") apply exclusively to entrepreneurs, merchants, legal entities under public law and special funds under public law for all advertising bookings.
SCOPE OF APPLICATION. 1.1 The following General Terms and Conditions of Purchase (GTC-P) apply to all contracts and agreements, which are signed between SERTO CZ s.r.o. ("SERTO") and a third party ("Supplier") and whose subject is the supply of goods and/or services (together "services").
SCOPE OF APPLICATION. The General Terms and Conditions apply for the acquisition of a ticket at the ticket office as well as the purchase of tickets via the website xxx.xxxxx-xxxx-xx-xxxxxxxxx.xx/xx or by phone or e-mail, in the version valid at the time of purchase. The different types of tickets and services and their features are listed on the website.