Transmission to service providers and authorities Musterklauseln

Transmission to service providers and authorities. The municipality of Silvaplana will forward your data to service providers as far as necessary for the execution of the contract. Both the Municipality of Silvaplana and the service provider may be required by law or government order to share your data with other authorities. Some events organised by the municipality of Silvaplana are advertised with cooperation partners (media, sporting goods manufacturers and retailers). This results from the respective advertisement. In this case, the municipality of Silvaplana transmits the first and last names, addresses, including the e-mail address to the corresponding cooperation partner for marketing and advertising purposes. The cooperation partners process this personal data in accordance with their own data protection regulations. The event participant expressly agrees to this transfer of personal data to the respective cooperation partner. The event participant may inform the municipality of Silvaplana at the time of booking that his/her data may not be passed on to the cooperation partner.