Accountable Entity definition
Examples of Accountable Entity in a sentence
EOHHS will review the Contractor’s Accountable Entity contract to assure compliance with requirements before granting approval.
Data Privacy Protection Waiver: The information and documents provided will be used by the Accountable Entity, the Procurement Agent for the Accountable Entity, and MCC for the reasons described above.
We acknowledge that the Accountable Entity will reserve the right to request an updated BODF, or documentation to provide proof of beneficial ownership, at any time during the life of the contract.
These documents will remain encrypted when transferred to the Accountable Entity or MCC for review, and will be kept encrypted and in a secure location by the Procurement Agent, the Accountable Entity, and MCC.
We also acknowledge that we will be required to provide the Accountable Entity with a new BODF upon any changes regarding beneficial ownership during the life of any contract awarded as a result of this procurement.