Accumulated Loss definition
Examples of Accumulated Loss in a sentence
Accordingly, the fair value of these awards has been transferred from the Share-based Payment Reserve to Accumulated Loss.
The Board will review the target asset allocation of the Fund at least once every three years.
As a result, the Trust recorded a loss on non-hedging derivative instruments of $15.4 million on the Statement of Operations and Accumulated Loss, that being the difference between January 1, 2004 mark to market loss position of $25.2 million on non-hedging derivative instruments and the March 31, 2004 loss position of $40.6 million on non-hedging derivative instruments.
The earnings impact was a $6.6 million loss before taxes and was recorded in amortization of deferred charges on the Statement of Operations and Accumulated Loss.
The Company’s Accumulated Loss is Rs. 1,020.94 Mn as at 31st March 2017 ( 2015/2016 Rs. 984.04 Mn) and as of that date the Company’s Current Liabilities exceeded its Current Assets by Rs. 99.75Mn ( 2015/2016 Rs. 97.45 Mn).