Examples of Alternative assessment in a sentence
Alternative assessment is the best choice according to 55.3% participants, oral assessment is found to be more convenient by 51.8% of participants, while only 24.7% think written is suitable for online assessment.
Alternative assessment methods using validated and standardized tests that measure impairment to speech recognition are also acceptable.
The accounting currency is the euro.7.2 Alternative assessment procedures in case the financial data is unavailablePlease note that the administrative and accounting managementof the Fund is delegated to BNP Paribas Securities Services, which is in charge of valuing the Fund's financial assets.
Alternative assessment arrangements can be made for pupils who have additional support needs.
Alternative assessment for the substation presented in Chapter-7.
Alternative assessment design, technology delivery of instruction, techniques for authentic instruction, and other concepts will be incorporated into the final project.
Alternative assessment and second language study: what and why?Retrieved April 2, 2013 from the CAL Website: http://www.cal.org/resources/digest/hancoc01.html Huerta-Macias, A.
Alternative assessment strategies may be required to ensure that the objectives of instruction have been fulfilled.
Alternative assessment procedures in case the financial data is unavailable Please note that the administrative and accounting management of the fund is delegated to BNP Paribas Securities Services, which is in charge of valuing the fund's financial assets.
Alternative assessment tools with robust justification and substantiation are also permissible.