Examples of Annual capacity factor in a sentence
Annual capacity factor included herein shall be determined by dividing the actual heat input to Source ID 033A for any consecutive 12 month period from the combustion of No. 2 oil by the potential heat input to Source ID 033A if Source ID 033A had been operated for 8,760 hours at the maximum heat input capacity.
Annual capacity factor means the ratio between the actual heat input to a steam generating unit from the fuels listed in §60.42b(a), §60.43b(a), or §60.44b(a), as applicable, during a calendar year and the potential heat input to the steam generating unit had it been operated for 8,760 hours during a calendar year at the maximum steady state design heat input capacity.
Annual capacity factor shall not exceed 18.3% on a heat input basis based on a 12-month consecutive period.
The following assumptions were made for the design basis for the Nelson Unit wet FGD System: • Design SO2 inlet concentration of 0.96 lb SO2/MMBtu for equipment design.• SO2 inlet concentration of 0.70 lb SO2/MMBtu for annual operating costs.• Design SO2 removal efficiency of approximately 96%.• SO2 Outlet Emission of 0.04 lb SO2/MMBtu.• Annual capacity factor of 62%, based on historical operating data.• Reagent delivery by truck.• Compliance deadline of June 2021.
Annual capacity factor is a relative measure of the availability of solar resource in relation to the peak output capacity of a generation project.