Annual open enrollment definition

Annual open enrollment means an annual event set aside for a period of time by the HCA when subscribers may make changes to their health plan enrollment and salary reduction elections for the follow- ing plan year. During the annual open enrollment, subscribers may transfer from one health plan to another, enroll or remove dependents from coverage, enroll in coverage, or waive enrollment in PEBB medi- cal. Employees eligible to participate in the salary reduction plan may enroll in or change their election under the dependent care assis- tance program (DCAP) or the medical flexible spending arrangement (FSA). They may also enroll in or opt out of the premium payment plan.
Annual open enrollment means an annual event set aside for a period of time when Participants may make changes to their health plan enrollment and salary reduction elections for the following Plan Year including transferring from one Health Plan to another, enrolling or removing Dependents from coverage, or enrolling in or changing their election under the DCAP or the Medical FSA. They may also enroll in or opt out of the Premium Payment Plan.
Annual open enrollment means an annual event set aside for a period of time when subscribers may make changes to their health plan enrollment and salary reduction elections for the following plan year. Subscribers may trans- fer from one health plan to another, enroll or remove depen- dents from coverage, enroll or waive enrollment in a medical plan, or employees may enroll in or change their election under the DCAP, the medical FSA, or the premium payment plan.

Examples of Annual open enrollment in a sentence

  • Annual open enrollment for insurance benefits is conducted in the fall of each year.

  • Annual open enrollment would also help to improve quality outcomes by allowing the beneficiary to develop long-lasting, positive relationships with their Medi-Cal managed care plans and providers.

  • Annual open enrollment shall coincide with open enrollment for Health and Welfare benefits.

  • Updates will be distributed at the start of the College’s Annual open enrollment period.

  • Annual open enrollment period timeframes are subject to change each year.Example: Consider an enrollment selection made and payment received on November 20th during an annual open enrollment period.

More Definitions of Annual open enrollment

Annual open enrollment means an annual event set aside for a period of time by the HCA when subscribers may make changes to their health plan enrollment and salary reduction elections for the follow- ing plan year. During the annual open enrollment, subscribers may transfer from one health plan to another, enroll or remove dependents from coverage, enroll in coverage, or waive enrollment in SEBB medi- cal. School employees participating in the salary reduction plan may
Annual open enrollment means an annual event set aside for a period of time when Participants may make changes to their health plan enrollment and salary reduction elections for the following Plan Year including transferring from one Health Plan to another, enrolling or removing
Annual open enrollment means an annual event set aside for a period of time by the HCA when subscribers may make changes to their health plan enrollment and salary reduction elections for the follow- ing plan year. During the annual open enrollment, subscribers may transfer from one health plan to another, enroll or remove dependents
Annual open enrollment. Period means the designated period of time during each Calendar Year, when individuals can apply for coverage under this Policy for the following Year. The Annual Open Enrollment Period is set by the federal government, and the beginning and ending dates are subject to change each Year. Brand Name Prescription Drug (Brand Name) means a Prescription Drug that has been patented and is only produced by one manufacturer. Cigna We, Our, and Us mean Cigna (Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company), or an affiliate. Cigna is a licensed and regulated insurance company operating throughout the United States.
Annual open enrollment means an annual event set aside for a period of time when Subscribers may make changes to their SEBB Medical Plan enrollment and salary reduction elections for the following Plan Year. During the Annual Open Enrollment, Subscribers may transfer from one SEBB Medical Plan to another, enroll or remove Dependents from coverage, or enroll or waive enrollment in SEBB Program medical. School Employees eligible to participate in the salary reduction plan may enroll in or re-enroll under the dependent care assistance program (DCAP), or the medical flexible spending arrangement (FSA). They may also enroll in or opt-out of the premium payment plan.
Annual open enrollment means an annual event set aside for a period of time by the HCA when subscribers may make changes to their
Annual open enrollment means ((a once yearly)) an annual event set aside for a period of time by the HCA when subscribers may make changes to their health plan enrollment and salary reduction elections for the following plan year. During the annual open enrollment, sub- scribers may transfer from one health plan to another, enroll or re- move dependents from coverage, ((or)) enroll in coverage, or waive en- rollment in SEBB medical. School employees participating in the salary reduction plan may enroll in or change their election under the de- pendent care assistance program (DCAP), ((and)) or the medical flexi- ble spending arrangement (FSA). They may also enroll in or opt out of the premium payment plan.