Examples of Archived documents in a sentence
Archived documents (or document boxes) will beclearly marked as ‘Archive’ with the date(s) they cover and the date that they can be destroyed.
Archived documents must therefore be handled with great care.Digital Rights Management.
Archived documents and source information, where possible, will be stored electronically and backed up regularly to prevent loss.
Archived documents may be destroyed or returned to you upon your written request.
Archived documents will be logged on a register which will also record items retrieved, by named individuals, from the archive.
Archived documents and source data are to be archived for a minimum of 5 years.
The Archived documents shall be removed / deleted from the website after expiry of five years from date of its initial archive.
Once you have added the Digital Signature, please inform by by mail to the bidder administrator bidderadmin@bpcleproc.in with a copy to support@bpcleproc.in for approval.
Archived documents will be listed on the database, with details of the date they were archived and removed from the website and a link to the superseding document if appropriate.
PowerDMS will label this obsolete document with a blue A for “Archived.” Archived documents are only accessible to DMS administrators.Not For Laboratory Use8.3.2.3 Working copies of documents will be maintained on the SDPD LAN, G drive, in the supervisor folder, or on the forensic biology network.