Article Title definition

Article Title. Drug Testing
Article Title. The Effect of Gamma Irradiated Nitrate-Reducing Bacteria in Decreaseing the In Vitro Production of Methane by Buffalo Rumen Liquid Names of All Authors: X. Xxxxxxx, M.R. Xxxxxx, X. Xxxxxx- Copyright to the above-listed unpublished and original article and subsequent, if necessary, errata, and the abstract forming part thereof, submitted by the above aothor(s) (collectively, the “Article”), is hereby transferred to the Atom Indonesia (AI) for the full term thereof throughout the world, subject to the Author Rights (as hereinafter defined) and to acceptance of the article for publication in a journal of AI. This transfer of copyright incudes all material to be published as part of the article (in any medium), including but not limited to tables, figures, graphs, movies, and other multimedia files. AI shall have the right to register copyright to the Article in its name as claimant, whether separately or as part of the journal issue or other medium in wich the Article is included. The author(s) shall have the following rights (the “Author Rights”):
Article Title. Working Conditions

Examples of Article Title in a sentence

  • This Contract shall be subject to the provisions of Md. Code Ann., State Finance and Procurement Article, Title 15, Subtitle 2, and COMAR 21.10 (Administrative and Civil Remedies).

  • Code Ann., Commercial Law Article, Title 22, Maryland Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act, does not apply to this Contract or to any purchase order or Notice to Proceed issued under this Contract.

  • Code Ann., State Finance and Procurement Article, Title 18, if the Commissioner determines that the Contractor/Subcontractor violated a provision of this title or regulations of the Commissioner, the Contractor/Subcontractor shall pay restitution to each affected employee, and the State may assess liquidated damages of $20 per day for each employee paid less than the Living Wage.

  • Code Ann., State Finance and Procurement Article, Title 18, if the Commissioner determines that the Contractor/subcontractor violated a provision of this title or regulations of the Commissioner, the Contractor/subcontractor shall pay restitution to each affected employee, and the State may assess liquidated damages of $20 per day for each employee paid less than the Living Wage.

  • A Contractor must not split or subdivide a State contract for services, pay an employee through a third party, or treat an employee as an independent Contractor or assign work to employees to avoid the imposition of any of the requirements of Md. Code Ann., State Finance and Procurement Article, Title 18.

More Definitions of Article Title

Article Title. Job Posting A. When the Employer determines the existence of a vacancy or new position, the Employer shall post an external posting at a minimum on the City website and send an email to all employees with the vacancy information. B. The Department has the right to select employees to fill new or vacant positions.
Article Title. Corresponding Author Signature …………………………..……….. ……………..…..…
Article Title. ISSN: Date: Pages:
Article Title. Safety Analysis of the TRIGA 2000 U3Si2-Al Fuel Core Under Reactivity Insertion Accidents Names of All Authors: Xxxxxx Xxxxx, Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Xxxx Xxxx Xxxx Copyright to the above-listed unpublished and original article and subsequent, if necessary, errata, and the abstract forming part thereof, submitted by the above aothor(s) (collectively, the “Article”), is hereby transferred to the Atom Indonesia (AI) for the full term thereof throughout the world, subject to the Author Rights (as hereinafter defined) and to acceptance of the article for publication in a journal of AI. This transfer of copyright incudes all material to be published as part of the article (in any medium), including but not limited to tables, figures, graphs, movies, and other multimedia files. AI shall have the right to register copyright to the Article in its name as claimant, whether separately or as part of the journal issue or other medium in wich the Article is included. The author(s) shall have the following rights (the “Author Rights”):
Article Title. Implementation Of Beam Matching Concept For The New Installed Elekta Precise Treatment System Medical Linacs In Indonesia Names of All Authors : O. A. Firmansyah, A. F. Firmansyah, S. I. Xxxxxxxxx, M. M. Putri, A. R. Setiadi, X. X. Xxxxx, X. Xxxx, C. Xxxxxx Copyright to the above-listed unpublished and original article and subsequent, if necessary, errata, and the abstract forming part thereof, submitted by the above aothor(s) (collectively, the “Article”), is hereby transferred to the Atom Indonesia (AI) for the full term thereof throughout the world, subject to the Author Rights (as hereinafter defined) and to acceptance of the article for publication in a journal of AI. This transfer of copyright incudes all material to be published as part of the article (in any medium), including but not limited to tables, figures, graphs, movies, and other multimedia files. AI shall have the right to register copyright to the Article in its name as claimant, whether separately or as part of the journal issue or other medium in wich the Article is included. The author(s) shall have the following rights (the “Author Rights”):
Article Title. We confirm that, to the best of my knowledge, nothing of a technical nature in this paper is materially inaccurate, that it is in no way whatsoever a violation of any existing copyright or a breach of any existing agreement, and that it contains nothing defamatory or libelous. We confirm that we have taken all reasonable steps to ensure that no patient referred to in this paper can be identified from inter- nal evidence. We also confirm that, where appropriate, we have secured patients’ consent to use clinical details relating to them for the purposes of publication. We certify that we have obtained written permission for the use of text, tables, and/or illustrations from any copyrighted source(s), and we agree to supply such written permission(s) to the BCRP upon request. We assign to the BCRP the entire copyright in the work detailed above for use in all forms and media throughout the world, in exchange for a machine-readable form of the final published work. We understand that we retain the following rights over the work: