Examples of ASTM Standards in a sentence
All laboratory testing and classification will be performed in accordance with applicable DEPARTMENT standards, ASTM Standards or AASHTO Standards, unless otherwise specified in the Contract Documents.
These test substances shall contain at least 40 liquid volume percent but no more than 55 liquid volume percent n- hexane and no less than 10 liquid vol- ume percent methylcyclopentane (MCP) and otherwise conform to the specifications prescribed in the Amer- ican Society for Testing and Materials Designation D 1836–83 (ASTM D 1836), ‘‘Standard Specification for Commer- cial Hexanes’’, published in the 1986 An- nual Book of ASTM Standards: Petroleum Products and Lubricants, ASTM D 1836– 83, pp.
If the required method is not described in the CDOT Field Materials Manual, the required work shall be completed in accordance with the current AASHTO Standard Specifications for Transportation Materials and Methods of Sampling and Testing (as revised and supplemented) or the ASTM Standards and Tentatives.
Where a method of test for any material or equipment is not specifically provided for, such material or equipment shall be tested in accordance with the methods prescribed and set forth in the A.S.T.M. Standards and Tentative Standards adopted and in effect on the date of receiving bids.
Where a specification for material to be used in this work is not specifically set forth in these specifications, such material shall conform in all respects to the specifications as set forth in the A.S.T.M. Standards and/or Tentative Standards adopted and in effect on the date of receiving bids.