Available Water definition

Available Water means the volume of surface water that is available for human use after other needs for the Ecological Integrity of the Aquatic Ecosystem are considered.
Available Water means the maximum amount of water that can dependably be supplied, taking into account limitations imposed by hydraulic or other considerations. In determining the available water, estimates of the safe yield of surface reservoirs and/or well capacity of groundwater sources shall be utilized as appropriate. Water committed by another water supplier through interconnections may be included in the determination of available water. Once accounted for in a water system's calculation of available water, the same volume of water may not be accounted for in another supplier's calculation of available water. Temporarily inactive, abandoned, and emergency water supply sources shall not be included unless approved by the Board. System storage shall not be included in the calculation of available water.
Available Water means the volume of water that is available for allocation from a consumptive pool in a given period.

Examples of Available Water in a sentence

  • For water quantity, the Parties have defined a Trigger as a percentage of the Available Water (e.g., <50%) that, if exceeded, results in Jurisdictional and/or Bilateral Water Management that will be determined by the BMC.

  • Well maintained domestic water wells are preferred over other Available Water Sources.

  • For class 3 Transboundary Waters, the BMC will set Transboundary Water Quantity Objectives and identify, based on the best available scientific information and/or a desktop or other office-based method and/or an instream flow needs study, the amount of water needed to maintain the Ecological Integrity of the Aquatic Ecosystem and hence, the Available Water.

  • Available Water will be shared as per section 6.1 c) of the Agreement and the sharing will be formalized into a Transboundary Water Quantity Objective if the relevant Transboundary Water reaches class 3.

  • Long-term continuous monitoring of stream flow is important to characterize hydrology of a water body and to estimate Available Water.

More Definitions of Available Water

Available Water means the volume of water, after other needs for the Ecological Integrity of the Aquatic Ecosystem and water reservations established for conservation, fish or fish habitat protection purposes are considered, that is available for human use including, as part of each Party’s equitable share, the water that may be withdrawn or diverted under water allocations and applications for water allocations existing before the date of this agreement.
Available Water means water that may be withdrawn by any one (1) user at a specific site, according to the water withdrawal permitting requirements of KRS 151.140 through 151.170 and 401 KAR 4:010.
Available Water. ’ means the maximum amount of water a company can dependably supply, taking into account the following reductions applied to safe yield: any limitations imposed by hydraulics, treatment, well pump capabilities, reductions of well yield due to clogging that can be corrected with redevelopment, transmission mains, permit conditions, source construction limitations, approval limitations, or operational considerations; and the safe yield of active sources and water supplied according to contract, provided that the contract is not subject to cancellation or suspension and assures the availability of water throughout a period of drought and that the supply is reliable;
Available Water. , means water from a water resource, available for use or for allocation to an end user;
Available Water means water not subject to statutory limitations on use and in excess of the amount necessary to satisfy existing water permits and rights and any applicable minimum perennial streamflows. The determination of available water shall be based on stream gage records or flow estimates using accepted methods of hydrologic analysis if stream gage records are not available.
Available Water means water not subject to statutory limits on use and which would not interfere with amounts needed for existing water right permits, certificates, or decrees including minimum perennial streamflows, and instream water rights as established under ORS 537.332 through 537.360 and OAR 690-077. Available water shall be based on stream gage records or, if stream gage records are not available, flow estimates using generally accepted methods of hydrologic analysis. At the location where water from a hydroelectric project would be returned to the stream and is available for other instream or consumptive uses downstream, it is not considered to be contributing to over-appropriation of any downstream water availability sub- basin.
Available Water means water that is, or but for a notice in force under section 20Y would be, available for allocation—