Examples of Available Water in a sentence
For water quantity, the Parties have defined a Trigger as a percentage of the Available Water (e.g., <50%) that, if exceeded, results in Jurisdictional and/or Bilateral Water Management that will be determined by the BMC.
Well maintained domestic water wells are preferred over other Available Water Sources.
For class 3 Transboundary Waters, the BMC will set Transboundary Water Quantity Objectives and identify, based on the best available scientific information and/or a desktop or other office-based method and/or an instream flow needs study, the amount of water needed to maintain the Ecological Integrity of the Aquatic Ecosystem and hence, the Available Water.
Available Water will be shared as per section 6.1 c) of the Agreement and the sharing will be formalized into a Transboundary Water Quantity Objective if the relevant Transboundary Water reaches class 3.
Long-term continuous monitoring of stream flow is important to characterize hydrology of a water body and to estimate Available Water.