Back siphonage means the backflow resulting from pressures lower than atmospheric pressure in the water installation;
PAD means a Preauthorized Debit.
Shut down means a condition or conditions wherein a piece of equipment or system cannot be operated by the device or control that a homeowner should normally use to operate it. If its safety switch or circuit breaker is in the "off" position, or its fuse is missing or blown, the inspector is not required to reestablish the circuit for the purpose of operating the equipment or system.
Airport Ground Support Equipment means vehicles and equipment used at an airport to service aircraft between flights.
Double Phase Aerosol Air Freshener means an aerosol air freshener with the liquid contents in two or more distinct phases that requires the product container be shaken before use to mix the phases, producing an emulsion.
Ambient air means that portion of the atmosphere, external to buildings, to which the general public has access.
Access Tandem Switch is a Switch used to connect End Office Switches to interexchange Carrier Switches. Qwest's Access Tandem Switches are also used to connect and switch traffic between and among Central Office Switches within the same LATA and may be used for the exchange of local traffic.
Loader means any type of off-road tractor with either tracks or rubber tires that uses a bucket on the end of movable arms to lift and move material; can be also referred to as a front-end loader, front loader, skid steer loader, backhoe, rubber- tired loader, or wheeled loader.
Basic Comprehensive User Guide means the Ministry document titled Basic Comprehensive Certificates of Approval (Air) User Guide” dated April 2004 as amended.
Waterworks or “water system” means all structures, conduits and appurtenances by means of which water is delivered to consumers except piping and fixtures inside buildings served, and service pipes from building to street main.
Drywell means an unlined or partially lined underground pit (regardless of geometry) into which drainage from roofs, basement floors, water softeners or other non-wastewater sources is discharged and from which the liquid seeps into the surrounding soil.
Access line means an exchange access line that has the ability to access dial tone and reach a public safety answering point.
Liner means a continuous layer of natural or man-made materials, beneath or on the sides of a surface impoundment, landfill, or landfill cell, which restricts the downward or lateral escape of hazardous waste, hazardous waste constituents, or leachate.
PID means Process and Instrumentation Diagram;
Site means the place or places where the permanent Works are to be carried out including workshops where the same is being prepared.
Transportation network company driver or “driver” means an
Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) means the diameter of a tree at 4 1/2 feet above the ground measured from the uphill side.
Cold Weather Alert means the notice that PJM provides to PJM Members, Transmission Owners, resource owners and operators, customers, and regulators to prepare personnel and facilities for expected extreme cold weather conditions.
Generator Set means a switcher locomotive equipped with multiple engines that can turn off one or more engines to reduce emissions and save fuel depending on the load it is moving.
NOC means National Olympic Committee.
Single Phase Aerosol Air Freshener means an aerosol air freshener with the liquid contents in a single homogeneous phase and which does not require that the product container be shaken before use.
fall prevention equipment means equipment used to prevent persons from falling from a fall risk position, inducing personal equipment, a body harness, lanyards, lifelines or physical equipment such as guard-rails, screens, barricades, anchorages or similar equipment;
Running at Large means any dog while roaming, running or self-hunting off the property of its owner or custodian and not under its owner's or custodian's immediate control.
Primary enclosure means any structure used to immediately restrict an animal or animals to a limited amount of space, such as a room, pen, cage, compartment, or hutch.
Underground facility means any item which shall be buried or placed below ground for use in connection with the storage or conveyance of water, sewage, electronic, telephone or telegraphic communications, electric energy, oil, gas or other substances, and shall include, but not be limited to pipes, sewers, conduits, cables, valves, lines, wires, manholes, attachments and those portions of poles and their attachments below ground.
Access Terminal means any device used to access any of the Depositor’s Accounts, including without limitation an ATM, a computer, a portable hand-held device, or a telephone including any form of mobile telephone.