Examples of Base Monthly Salary in a sentence
Base Monthly Salary" for purposes of sick leave integration is defined as the salary amount for the employee's step on the salary schedule for the employee's permanent classification as shown in the "Salary" field on the On-Line Payroll Time Reporting System used by departments for payroll reporting purposes.
The formula for full-time employees' sick leave integration charges is shown below: L = [(S-D) ÷ S] x 8 S = Employee Base Monthly Salary H = Estimated Highest Quarter (3-mos) Earnings [H = S x 3] W = Weekly SDI Benefit from State of California SDI Weekly Benefit Table C = Calendar Days in each Month D = Est.
The employee's Base Monthly Salary as defined in section 6(a), plus the sum of (A) the cost-of-living allowance in effect on October 16, 2009, minus (B) $8.67, for employees who last work on or after October 16, 2009 but before October 16, 2010.
Also, difficulty in forecasting leads to disagreements, and this may cause the price of a stock to wander from itsfundamental value, if the crowd becomes overly optimistic or pessimistic.
The employee's Base Monthly Salary as defined in section 6(a) for employees who last work before October 16, 2009.