Beginning teacher definition

Beginning teacher means a teacher who:
Beginning teacher means an individual serving under
Beginning teacher means an individual serving under an initial, Class A, exchange, or intern license, issued by the board of educational examiners under Iowa Code chapter 272, who is assuming a position as a teacher. For purposes of the beginning teacher mentoring and induction program created pursuant to Iowa Code section 284.5, “beginning teacher” also includes preschool teachers who are licensed by the board of educational examiners under Iowa Code chapter 272 and are employed by a school district or area education agency.

Examples of Beginning teacher in a sentence

  • Beginning teacher scholarships are awarded to recent college graduates who are about to begin teaching for the very first time.

  • Rates include holiday pay.• Beginning teacher advice and guidance time allowance – five hours per week for a full time PRT in their first year and 2.5 hours per week for a full time PRT in their second year to support their induction and development.• Head of Department time allowance support beginning teachers – one hour per week per provisionally registered teacher to support them in their curriculum content and pedagogy development.

  • Beginning teacher refers to the participants after completion of teacher education.

  • A Consulting Teacher may be assigned more than one voluntary or Beginning teacher as determined by the Joint Committee.

  • Advisory Board of the Division of Professional Standards; 515 IAC 10-1-15; filed May 30, 2008, 10:23 a.m.: 20080625-IR-515070457FRA, eff Jan 1, 2009) 515 IAC 10-1-16 Beginning teacher assessment program Authority: IC 20-28-2-6Affected: IC 20-28-2 Sec.

More Definitions of Beginning teacher

Beginning teacher means an individual serving under an initial or intern license, issued under chapter 272, who is assuming a position as a teacher. “Beginning teacher” includes an individual who is an initial teacher. For purposes of the beginning teacher mentoring and induction program created pursuant to section 284.5, “beginning teacher” also includes preschool teachers who are licensed under chapter 272 and are employed by a school district or area education agency. “Beginning teacher” does not include a teacher whose employment with a school district or area education agency is probationary unless the teacher is serving under an initial or teacher intern license issued under chapter 272.
Beginning teacher means an individual serving under an initial license, issued by the board of educational examiners under chapter 272, who is assuming a position as a classroom teacher. For purposes of the beginning teacher mentoring and induction program created pursuant to section 284.5, "beginning teacher" also includes preschool teachers who are licensed by the board of educational examiners under chapter 272 and are employed by a school district or area education agency.
Beginning teacher means a person who:
Beginning teacher means a person who meets the following:
Beginning teacher means a teacher holding a New Mexico waiver, internship license, or level 1 teaching license who has less than three complete years, full-or part-time, of classroom teaching experience. For the purpose of this rule, teachers with more than three complete years, full-or part-time, of classroom teaching experience but who hold a waiver, internship license, or level 1 licensure are not beginning teachers.
Beginning teacher means an individual serving under an initial, Class A, exchange, or intern license, issued by the board of educational examiners under Iowa Code chapter 272, who is assuming a position as a teacher. For purposes of the beginning teacher mentoring and induction program created pursuant to Iowa Code section 284.5 or in an approved career paths, leadership roles, and compensation framework or approved comparable system as provided in Iowa Code section 284.15, “beginning teacher” also includes preschool teachers who are licensed by the board of educational examiners under Iowa Code chapter 272 and are employed by a school district or area education agency.
Beginning teacher refers to a first or second year classroom teacher or other classroom teacher eligible to participate in the Beginning Teachers Support and Assessment program. The Beginning Teacher program is designed to meet the unique needs of the Pre-Intern, Beginning Teachers Support Assessment program, and other Beginning Teachers.