Examples of Bilateral Service Agreement in a sentence
Each licensed out-of-home caregiver applicant shall sign a Bilateral Service Agreement as defined in subsection 65C-30.001(11), F.A.C. The agreement shall be reviewed, and discussed with a licensing counselor prior to initial licensure and again at each re-licensure.
Each licensed out-of-home caregiver applicant shallsign a Bilateral Service Agreement as defined in subsection65C-30.001(11), F.A.C. The agreement shall be reviewed, anddiscussed with a licensing counselor prior to initial licensureand again at each re-licensure.
Authorized Signatory of Proposing AgencyTitleDate Authorized Signatory of Collaborating AgencyTitleDateForm 21A: Bilateral Service Agreement (Sample) Proposing AgencyTO: HIV/AIDS Service Provider 555 W.
The person making the placement shall complete the “Partnership Plan for Children in Out-of-Home Care Child Service Agreement”, CF-FSP 5226 5227, January 2015 June 2002, incorporated by reference and available at www.dcf.stat.fl.us/dcfforms/, and review with licensed out-of-home caregivers the information provided on the form and its relevance to their responsibilities in regard to the Bilateral Service Agreement.
The person making the placement shall complete the “Child Service Agreement”, CF-FSP 5227, June 2002, incorporated by reference, and review with licensed out-of-home caregivers the information provided on the form and its relevance to their responsibilities in regard to the Bilateral Service Agreement.
Docket No. ER00–198–000]Take notice that on October 22, 1999, Louisville Gas and Electric Company (LG&E)/Kentucky Utilities (KU)(Companies), tendered for filing anunexecuted Bilateral Service Agreement between the Companies and TXUEnergy Trading Company under the Companies Rate Schedule MBSS.Comment date: November 10, 1999, in accordance with Standard Paragraph Eat the end of this notice.
Review the Bilateral Service Agreement with each foster parent at the time of re-licensure, ask for comments and concerns, secure the signature of each parent on the Re-Licensure Bilateral Service Agreement Signature Page and sign the document, on behalf of the department.
On July 11, 2007, Respondent entered into a "Bilateral Service Agreement" with the Children's Home Society, for the following stated purpose: The purpose of this Agreement is to identify the expectations for both foster parents and the Children's Home Society on behalf of the children and families that are served in the foster care program.
Review the Bilateral Service Agreement with each newly licensed foster parent, secure the signature of each parent on the document, and sign the agreement on behalf of the department.
The list of candidates, who have been short-listed based on the computer based test for interview, will be published on the BEL website.