ISDN refers to a digital circuit switched network service. Basic Rate ISDN (BRI) provides for channelized (two (2) bearer and one (1) data) end- to-end digital connectivity for the transmission of voice or data on either or both bearer channels and packet data on the data channel. Primary Rate ISDN (PRI) provides for twenty-three (23) bearer channels and one (1) data channel. For BRI, the bearer channels operate at 64 Kbps and the data channel at 16 Kbps. For PRI, all twenty-four (24) channels operate at 64 Kbps or
Dairy farm means any place or premises where 1 or more dairy animals are kept for milking purposes, and from which a part or all of the milk is provided, sold, or offered for sale.
NOFA means a Notice of Funding Availability issued by the Department.
PTE means a prohibited transaction class exemption issued by the U.S. Department of Labor, as any such exemption may be amended from time to time.
IRDAI means the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India.