Capital reserve account definition
Examples of Capital reserve account in a sentence
The Company may issue fully paid-up bonus shares to its members out of the Capital reserve account.
Company's management, based on the advice of external legal counsel, believes that ADENE's decision does not invalidate the benefits recorded (R$ 142,858 on December 31, 2004, credited to "Capital reserve" account).
Restricted assets 20182017 Capital reserve account $ 38,924,147 $ 31,230,354Major maintenance reserve account19,084,50018,720,822Debt service reserve account6,432,9156,351,784 $ 64,441,562$ 56,302,960 Restricted assets are comprised of bank bearer deposit notes and bankers acceptances which are recorded at fair value and include accrued interest of $59,334 (2017 - $71,177), have a weighted average term of 3.92 (2017 – 6.12) months to maturity and a weighted average interest rate of 1.61% (2017 – 0.94%).
The issuance price was allocated as follows: US$5,824 (R$30,135 thousands) for the Company's capital stock and US$52,419 (R$271, 219 thousands) allocated to the "Capital reserve" account.
Member share redemption reserve (capital reserve)The Capital reserve account includes amounts allocated for the purpose of a member share redemption balance per Compliance Note 2001.084.