Child and Family Team definition

Child and Family Team or “CFT” – team’ means a group of individuals who are convened by the placing agency and who are engaged through a variety of team-based processes to identify the strengths and needs of the child or youth and his or her family, and to help achieve positive outcomes for safety, permanency, and well-being.
Child and Family Team means a group of individuals who are convened by the placing agency and who are engaged through a variety of team-based processes to identify the strengths and needs of the child or youth and his or her family, and to help achieve positive outcomes for safety, permanency, and well-being.
Child and Family Team means a group of people, chosen by the Family and connected to them through natural, Community, and formal support relationships, and representatives of child-serving agencies who are serving the child and Family, who will work together to develop and implement the Family’s plan, address unmet needs, and work toward the Family’s vision.

Examples of Child and Family Team in a sentence

  • For additional information regarding the Child and Family Team practice refer to AHCCCS Practice Protocol Child and Family Team Practice.

  • For children, this team is the Child and Family Team (CFT) and for adults, this team is the Adult Recovery Team (ART).

  • CONTRACTOR will also follow MHSUDS ACL No. 18-09 which review requirements for implementing the CANS assessment tool within a Child and Family Team (CFT).

  • Recommendations for treatment to be reviewed with the Guardian/Primary Caregiver and Stakeholders within a Child and Family Team meeting.

  • Child and Family Team (CFT) – A group of people including the OhioRISE member and their family/caregivers, natural supports (relatives, friends, neighbors, etc.), and formal helpers (teachers, therapists, other professionals, etc.), who are involved with a child and family and who play an important role in the child’s life.

More Definitions of Child and Family Team

Child and Family Team means a defined group of people that includes, at a minimum, the child and his/her family, a behavioral health representative, and any individuals important in the child’s life and who are identified and invited to participate by the child and family. This may include, for example, teachers, extended family members, friends, family support partners, healthcare providers, coaches, community resource providers, representatives from churches, synagogues or mosques, agents from other service systems like CPS or DDD, etc. The size, scope and intensity of involvement of the team members are determined by the objectives established for the child, the needs of the family in providing for the child, and by which individuals are needed to develop an effective service plan, and can therefore expand and contract as necessary to be successful on behalf of the child.
Child and Family Team means a group of people, chosen by the family and connected to them through natural, community, and formal support relationships, and representatives of child- serving agencies who are serving the child and family, who will work together to develop and implement the family’s plan, address unmet needs, and work toward the family’s vision.
Child and Family Team means an advisory or recommending group in relation to the resident's case plan. The custodial agency and child and family team, led by the resident and the resident's family, shall work cooperatively through multiagency and multidisciplinary approaches to provide a wider variety of support services to the resident, the resident's family, and foster care provider to carry out the permanency goals for the case plan.
Child and Family Team means the people who are responsible for creating, implementing, reviewing, and revising the service coordination section of the Service Plan in ICTS programs. At a minimum, the team must be comprised of the family, care coordinator, and child when appropriate. The team should also include any involved child-serving providers and agencies and any other natural, formal, and informal supports as identified by the family.
Child and Family Team means a group of individuals that includes, at
Child and Family Team means as defined in Welfare and Institutions Code section 16501(a)(4).
Child and Family Team means a group of individuals who are convened by the placing agency and who are engaged through a variety of team-based processes to identify the strengths and needs of the child or youth and their family, and to help achieve positive outcomes for safety, permanency, and well-being. The child and family team shall have the same meaning as the “family and permanency team,” as described in Section 675a(c)(1)(B)(ii) of Title 42 of the United States Code.