Examples of City Records in a sentence
City Records - information, minutes, files, accounts or other records which the City is required to maintain, and which must be accessible to scrutiny by the public.
Copies of disciplinary records will be destroyed in accordance with the records retention schedule as adopted and modified from time to time by the City Records Commission.
Working within the City Clerk’s Office (Office of Council Affairs and Constituent Services), this position is responsible for the implementation and maintenance of the City Records Management Policy, which includes the maintenance, storage, retrieval, retention, and disposal of City documents.
Be aware that the City Records Management Program (CRMP) maintains specific records management information and offers consultation to users and management on their retention obligations under State law.
Provide a Grant Deed if the ownership of the property does not match City Records and/or if the application is for a Coastal Development Permit.
In the event the Deed or Certificate is for a single Plot, the Deed or Certificate must be surrendered to the Midway City Sexton, who will mark the Deed or Certificate as “Retired” and shall retain the retired Deed or Certificate in the Midway City Records.
Alexandria, 1956), 84, box 19JJJ, City Planning Department, Alexandria City Records, Special Collections Branch, Alexandria Library.
Internet/e-mail messages either sent from or received in this system may be considered City Records, depending on their content, and therefore may be subject to Freedom of Information Act requests and other legal disclosure.
Bidders may request copies of the solicitation records in person or by written request to the City Records and Archive Management Services located at 400 South Orange Avenue, 2nd Floor, Orlando, Florida, 32801 or by calling (407) 246- 2148.
The destruction of all City records by the Port must be coordinated with the City Clerk or other designated City Records Manager.