Personal Records Sample Clauses

Personal Records. (a) On reasonable notice, employees shall have the right to review personnel, performance and any other files related to them which are kept by the Employer. (b) Upon request, employees shall be provided with copies of material they have the right to review under paragraph (a) above. (c) Employees shall have the right to respond in writing to the contents of the Employer's files. Such written responses shall be entered into the Employer's files. (d) Derogatory material shall be brought to the attention of an employee before being entered into the Employer's records. (e) The Employer will remove references to disciplinary action from an employee's record after twenty- four (24) months have elapsed, provided there has been no further disciplinary action taken during that time.
Personal Records. 18.1 You understand and agree that during the course of your employment we will compile a personnel file for you containing details concerning your employment and any relevant previous employment. 18.2 You authorise us to retain sensitive information in your personnel file for all purposes connected with your employment. 18.3 You authorise us to release your personnel file or any of the details contained in it to any person we consider appropriate whether or not that person is within the European Economic Area.
Personal Records. (a) On reasonable notice, and at a mutually agreeable time, employees shall have the right to review personnel files related to them which are kept by NOW, and to be provided with copies of any such material. (b) Employees shall have the right to respond in writing to any material in NOW’s files. Written responses will be entered into the file. (c) Derogatory material will be brought to the attention of the employee before being entered into NOW’s records. (d) Any derogatory material regarding an employee shall not be used against her/him at any time after two years following the placement of such material in the personnel file, provided no additional derogatory material is placed in the personnel file within the two year period. NOW will remove from the personnel file, copies of any derogatory material, after two years, upon request from the employee, unless additional derogatory material is placed in the file within the two-year period.
Personal Records a) On reasonable notice, employees shall have the right to review personnel, performance and any other files related to them, which are kept by the Employer. b) Upon request, employees shall be provided with copies of material they have the right to review under paragraph (a) above. c) Employees shall have the right to respond in writing to the contents of the Employer's files. Such written responses shall be entered into the Employer's files. d) Derogatory material shall be brought to the attention of an employee before being entered into the Employer’s records. e) The Employer will remove references to disciplinary action from an employee's record after eighteen (18) months have elapsed, provided there has been no further disciplinary action taken during that time.
Personal Records. (a) On reasonable notice, employees shall have the right to review personnel, performance and any other files related to them, which are kept by the Employer. (b) Upon request, employees shall be provided with copies of material they have the right to review under paragraph (a) above. (c) Employees shall have the right to respond in writing to the contents of the Employer’s files. Such written responses shall be entered into the Employer’s files. (d) Derogatory material shall be brought to the attention of an employee before being entered into the Employer’s files. (e) Disciplinary warnings and/or reprimands which predate a disciplinary action by more than 2 years shall not be adduced as evidence against an employee in any subsequent arbitration proceedings. It is agreed that leaves of absence totaling three (3) months or more shall not be included in the two (2) year period previously mentioned.
Personal Records. 19.1.1 The Service Provider shall maintain a personal file for the Service User which shall comply with the requirements of the standards and legislation in force at the time including data protection law. 19.1.2 The file shall be kept in a secure place and access shall be limited to those staff with responsibility for the day to day care of the Service User. 19.1.3 The Service Provider shall ensure that anyone authorised to have access to the contents of the file is instructed in the proper handling of confidential information. 19.1.4 Subject to the Service Provider’s data protection obligations, the file shall be open to inspection by the Service Purchaser(s)’s Designated Officers. 19.1.5 The Service User’s reasonable rights of access to his/her personal file shall be allowed by the Service Provider. 19.1.6 Personal files and related Service User records shall be held by the Service Provider for a minimum of six (6) years after the last entry. Subject to the retention periods referred to in this Clause, the Service Provider shall dispose of personal files and related Service User records safely and in the event of the Home closing for whatever reason, the Service Provider shall ensure that personal files and related Service User records are kept securely elsewhere or, where appropriate, disposed of safely. 19.1.7 When a Service User transfers to an alternative Home, with the Service User’s or the Service User Representative’s(s’) permission, the Service Provider shall summarise the file and forward to the alternative Home the summary together with a copy of the up to date Personal Plan. 19.1.8 Information relating to the Service User shall be treated as confidential and shall not be disclosed to anyone except the appropriate staff, the Service User, the Service Purchaser(s) Nominated Representatives, the Service User Representative(s) or any other person or organisation authorised by law or by the Service User if capable.
Personal Records. Employees will be entitled to view their personal records by request to the Company, at an arranged time, and will be entitled to a copy of their personal records upon request.
Personal Records. 12.1. You understand and agree that during the course of your directorship we will compile a personnel file for you containing details concerning your term as a Director and any relevant previous employment. 12.2. You authorize us to retain sensitive information in your personnel file for all purposes connected with your directorship. 12.3. You must authorize us to release your personnel file or any of the details contained in it to any person.
Personal Records. 9.1 The Company must, upon request, arrange an appointment for an employee to inspect his or her personal file and employment records. In the event that the performance of any employee is under review, a representative of the Association, with the written consent of the employee concerned, is entitled to inspect such file and records. 9.2 Where any document of complaint is likely to be placed on an employee’s file, the Company must provide him or her with a copy of the complaint as soon as possible and he or she may sign such document and have a right to place on the file any written comment relating to the complaint. 9.3 Any letter written to the Company by the Association in connection with a matter arising under this clause must be entered in the employee’s file.
Personal Records. The law and standards oio my proioessioin require that I eeep Proitected Health Inooirmatioin aboiut yoiu in yoiur Clinical Recoirde. Except in unusual circumstances that discloisure woiuld physically endanger yoiu and/oir oithers oir maees reoerence toi anoither persoin (oither than a health care proivider) and I believe that access is reasoinably lieely toi cause substantial harm toi such oither persoin, xxxx may examine and/oir receive a coipy oio yoiur Clinical Recoird, io yoiu request it in writinge. Because these are proioessioinal recoirds, they can be misinterpreted and/oir upsetting toi untrained readerse. Foir this reasoin, I recoimmend that yoiu initially review them in my presence, oir have them ooirwarded toi anoither mental health care proioessioinal soi yoiu can discuss the cointentse. In moist circumstances, I am alloiwed toi charge a coipying oeee. I will noit be proividing yoiu a diagnoisis oir a treatment plan since I am noit taeing insurancee. Io yoiu haven’t been toi therapy beooire and yoiur trying toi fgure oiut what yoiur diagnoisis may be, I can help yoiu fnd oither proividers in the area toi get in toiuch withe.