Examples of Coal Reserves in a sentence
AND BEING a portion of the property conveyed by Central States Coal Reserves of Kentucky, LLC to Cyprus Creek Land Resources, LLC, by Deed dated September 13, 2007, of record in Deed Book 530, page 620.
AND BEING a portion of the property conveyed by Central States Coal Reserves of Kentucky, LLC to Cyprus Creek Land Resources, LLC by deed dated September 13, 2007, of record in Deed Book 530, page 620.
Subject to Correction Deed by Central States Coal Reserves of Kentucky, LLC and Beaver Dam Coal Company, LLC, both Delaware limited liability companies, to Western Diamond, LLC, a Nevada limited liability company, dated September 11, 2007, of record in Deed Book 369, page 759, in the Office of the Ohio County Clerk.
The Group estimates and reports Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves, commonly referred to as Coal Resources and Coal Reserves in the coal mining industry, meeting requirements of the Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves (the “JORC Code”), and subsequently the Australian Guidelines for the Estimation and Classification of Coal Resources (2014) to which are referred.
Western Diamond LLC: easement to conduct surface mining on 1,828 acres in Muhlenberg County (per Deed of Easement from Central States Coal Reserves of Kentucky, LLC to Western Diamond LLC, dated May 31, 2007, recorded in DB 528, p.