Examples of Collection Kit in a sentence
Follow the instructions within the Collection Kit to inspect the cord blood bag and the vials of the Maternal Sample for any leaks or other defects.
The Gestational Carrier must bring the Collection Kit to the hospital on the day of delivery.
ViaCord suggests keeping the Collection Kit with the bag she plans to bring to the hospital.
The Gestational must give the Collection Kit to the Collecting Healthcare Provider or other person performing delivery of the Child.
Keep the Collection Kit at room temperature and readily available until the medical courier arrives.
The Gestational Carrier will receive the Collection Kit, and it is her responsibility to keep the Collection Kit in a cool, dry place.
The Collection Kit includes instructional materials for the Collecting Healthcare Provider.
Review the contents of the Collection Kit with ViaCord’s Customer Service personnel before sealing the Collection Kit and answer any follow-up questions regarding the Health History Questionnaire(s).