COLLECTION SCHEDULE means the dates scheduled for hazardous waste collection services throughout North Oakland County. Oakland County will schedule dates and times for hazardous waste collection services for the 2015 year program in cooperation with the NO HAZ Board.
COLLECTION SCHEDULE means the dates scheduled for hazardous waste collection services throughout North Oakland County. Oakland County will schedule dates and times for hazardous waste collection services for the 2021 year program in cooperation with the NoHaz Board.
COLLECTION SCHEDULE means the established routes of collection crews and vehicles, designed to provide the regular removal and disposal of solid waste from all premises within the corporate limits of the City. The schedule shall provide such frequency as deemed adequate by the City Council. (Ord. 1945, 1972; Ord. 1116)

Examples of COLLECTION SCHEDULE in a sentence

  • The Contractor shall ensure that 100% of the residential and Commercial properties scheduled to have their waste collected on any given day, pursuant to the Collection Schedule, have their waste collected on that day.

  • The Collection Schedule shall provide for the collection of Waste from each property, recurring on the same day of the week, every week.


COLLECTION SCHEDULE has the meaning given in clause 7.3(c). Collection Service the collection of Waste other than as part of Verge Collection Services or Receptacle Services. Collection Service Specification Collection Vehicle the vehicles used by the Contractor to collect Materials under the
COLLECTION SCHEDULE means the calendar indicating the days on which the Automated Collection Service is provided to Automated Service Properties within the Town.
COLLECTION SCHEDULE means the schedule of dates when city waste service is to be provided to the designated properties in a specified area of the City;
COLLECTION SCHEDULE refers to the timing for execution of an Electronic Instruction under a collection arrangement with the BANK, which is selected by the Maker upon creation of the Electronic Instruction from any of the following three (3) options:
COLLECTION SCHEDULE. - means the approved schedule for collection of Recyclables;
COLLECTION SCHEDULE means a schedule for collection services consisting of particulars including the days and time of collection of household solid waste and solid waste similar to household solid waste for any service area;
COLLECTION SCHEDULE means a schedule for collection services consisting of particulars including the days and time of collection of household solid waste,