Commissioning Team definition
Examples of Commissioning Team in a sentence
Details in relation to regulatory requirements in relation to this scheme are contained within the delegation agreement and will be fulfilled on behalf of the ICBs by the Commissioning Team.
Financial monitoring reports will be produced by the NHS Birmingham and Solihull ICB hosted Specialised Commissioning Team on behalf of the ICBs. Financial reports will be prepared monthly within ten working days of the end of the month.
All contractual payments including variable adjustments will be calculated by the Specialised Commissioning Team.
The contracts will be managed on behalf of the East multi-ICB, by the Commissioning Team.
The contracts will be managed on behalf of the West Midlands multi-ICB, by the Commissioning Team.
The terms of reference of the Joint Committee are set out in the in schedule 2 of the ICB Collaboration Agreement Delegated services will be commissioned from providers on behalf of the ICBs by the Commissioning Team in line with legislative requirements, NHS planning guidance and the Delegation Agreement between the ICBs and NHS England.
The Specialised Commissioning Team will manage specialised services through the ICB ledgers.
The Specialised Commissioning Team Pooled Fund manager shall manage expenditure within the notional pooled fund and shall use reasonable endeavours to ensure that the expenditure is limited to Permitted Expenditure.
The terms of reference of the Joint Committee are contained within the Joint Working Agreement between the ICBs. Delegated services will be commissioned from providers on behalf of the ICBs by the Commissioning Team in line with legislative requirements, NHS planning guidance and the Delegation Agreement between the ICBs and NHS England.