Examples of Comprehensive permit in a sentence
Comprehensive permit reports are documentation of the building permit history of the property that is the subject of the claim in question which includes information on sewer/septic permits, where available, and the option to purchase a claims/litigation history report.
Comprehensive permit development offers a flexible planning tool which is available for use in municipalities which seek to increase their stock of affordable housing available to households with incomes at or below 80% of area median income.
This application and the location of the unit conform to that objective.Based upon the findings, the Hearing Officer ruled that the application of Robert and Diane Riche is deemed consistent with local needs because it adequately promotes the objective of providing affordable housing for the Town of Barnstable without jeopardizing the health and safety of the occupants provided certain conditions are imposed.Mr. Florence ended with granting the Comprehensive permit.
Supplemental Proposed Edits to Comprehensive permit: Single Family Homes vs.
On May 27, 2015 the Board voted 4-1 to grant the Use Variance to Park Central, conditioned upon the subsequent granting of a final Comprehensive permit, allowingfor the construction of up to 158 market rate “for sale” townhomes on approximately56.75 acres of the 101.25-acre parcel to be integrated into and share a connector road, stormwater, drainage infrastructure and wastewater infrastructure with the affordable housing apartment complex as depicted on a Concept Plan.