Connection Offer definition

Connection Offer means the written offer that is issued to the Connecting Party by Irish Water and which details all of the terms and conditions upon which Irish Water is willing to offer a Connection to the Connecting Party (including the amount of the Connection Charge). The issue of a Connection Offer is, at all times, a matter for the discretion of Irish Water (acting reasonably) and the Connection Offer includes and incorporates (where appropriate) all documents attached to and/or referenced in it (where the context so permits).
Connection Offer means an offer by the holder of a co-ordination licence of a connection to or modification of a connection to the transmission system;

Examples of Connection Offer in a sentence

  • The Connection Offer Deadline shall be extended as directed by the Authority in response to such application.

  • Pending any decision by the Authority in response to such application, the Connection Offer Deadline shall remain as determined pursuant to paragraph 13.5.1.

  • Failure by the Connection Applicant to accept the Connection Offer within such three (3) month period will cause the Connection Offer to lapse and any subsequent purported acceptance of the Connection Offer by the Connection Applicant may be treated as null and void by National Grid NTS.

  • If two or more Affected Parties accept their Interactive Connection Offer then the Affected Party which has the first position in the Interactive Queue will be required to pay the full cost of the second transformer or third transformer and / or further transmission reinforcement (as the case may be) and associated works in accordance with the Interactive Connection Offer (such Affected Party to be referred to as the ’Primary Affected Party’).

  • Where the Connection Offer is not made on the basis of the OTSDUW Arrangements, the Offshore Construction Works will not themselves be identified at that time.

More Definitions of Connection Offer

Connection Offer means an access offer made in respect of a connection application. “consume” has the meaning given to it in the Code.
Connection Offer means the letter issued to the Customer by Irish Water and which details the connection terms and conditions that are offered to the Customer;
Connection Offer means the accepted offer from the Company to the [*Customer][*ICP] to provide a Connection, particulars of which are set out in the Schedule; * Delete one option dependant on whether the Connection Offer was issued to a Customer or to the ICP Connection Voltage means the level of voltage applicable to the Contestable Connection Works, as stated in the Schedule; Contestable Connection Works means the connection of electrical equipment by the ICP to the Distribution System at the Point of Connection pursuant to the Connection Offer; * Customer * Delete row if the Connection Offer was issued to the ICP rather than a Customer means a person who has requested the Company to provide a Connection and who’s details are set out in the Schedule; Distribution System has the meaning given to “licensee’s distribution system” in the Company’s distribution licence granted under section 6(1)(c) of the Electricity Act 1989;
Connection Offer means the conditional offer letter issued by Irish Water to the Customer relating to the connection of the Customer’s Premises to the Network(s) and which forms part of the Connection Agreement;
Connection Offer means the conditional offer letter issued to the Developer by Irish Water relating to the connection of the Water and Wastewater Services Infrastructure to the Networks(s) and which details the Connection terms and conditions that are offered to the Developer;
Connection Offer means the offer letter to Service Provider for a Connection Agreement
Connection Offer means a grid connection offer issued by the transmission grid operator or the distribution grid operator of sufficient capacity to carry the capacity of the project submitted in the Competition.