Grid Operator definition

Grid Operator means the person who for the time being and from time to time is required by the terms of a Transmission Licence, inter alia, to implement the Grid Code;
Grid Operator means transmission system operator and/or electricity distribution system operator.
Grid Operator means the operator of a distribution or transmission network for Natural Gas.

Examples of Grid Operator in a sentence

  • The procedure is subject to the requirements of the Grid Code (Mrežna pravila elektroenergetskog sustava) and the agreement made between the producer and the Grid Operator.

  • The auditor shall be entitled to resign upon giving prior notice to the Grid Operator (who shall send a copy forthwith to the Executive Committee) (the period of such notice, if any, to be as set out in the terms of its appointment).

  • The tariff system is funded by fees that are charged per each kWh purchased by end consumers.5.3 Grid issues concerning RES Electricity Producers Any electricity producer must apply to the Croatian Grid Operator (Hrvatski operater prijenosnog sustava) for a new connection or reinforcement of an existing connection to the electricity grid.

  • Each Externally Interconnected Party (not being a Pool Member) and each of the Pool Funds Administrator, the Grid Operator and the Ancillary Services Provider (or its duly appointed representative) shall be entitled to attend and speak (but not vote) at meetings of the Executive Committee only where matters directly concerning its functions, duties or responsibilities have been identified or advised as provided in Clause 18.1.4 or if so requested by the Executive Committee.

  • Both documents are published on the website of the Grid Operator.

More Definitions of Grid Operator

Grid Operator means ENEL Distribuzione S.p.A or any other locally competent entity which carries out the activities of operation of the electrical grid.
Grid Operator means the transmission and/or distribution system operator.
Grid Operator means the entity that is in charge with the operation of the Grid.
Grid Operator means the grid operator appointed pursuant to the Rules;
Grid Operator means the person from time to time who is authorized to operate the electricity transmission or distribution grid, and, where relevant, whose grid is nearest to the Eligible Plant of the Eligible Producer;
Grid Operator means the Transmission and/or Distribution System Operator.8. Distribution System Operator (DSO) means a legal, which performs the distribution function and is responsible for the operation, maintenance and if necessary the development of the distribution system at a given area, and where applicable, its interconnection with other systems as well as the provision of long-term capacities of the system to meet the reasonable demands on gas distribution;9. Investment shall mean strategic capital expenditures of a (TSO or DSO) licensee, to improve, or add the assets, used for performing the licensed activity.10. Investment plan shall mean the capital expenditures planned for a regulatory period of a (TSO or DSO) licensee as the case may be, that takes in account the principles, meets the criteria and contains the elements, described in the Law and this Regulation. TSO plans shall be in conformity with TYNDP which is developed for a 10 year period and is submitted to ENTSO-G11. TYNDP- shall mean the 10-year development plan of the pan-european grid.12. ENTSO-G shall mean the European Network of the Transmission System Operators for Gas.13. ENC- shall mean Energy Community Secretariat14. Person - shall mean any natural or legal person.15. License - shall mean an authorization given to a person to perform an activity in natural gas sector, in conformity with the provisions of law no. 102/2015, “On Natural Gas Sector”.16. Licensee shall mean a person, holding a license for natural gas transmission or distribution activity, in conformity with the provisions of Law no. 102/2015, “On Natural Gas Sector”.17. Regulated Asset Base (RAB) shall mean the value of all fixed assets, owned by the entity and used to perform one of the licensed activities in natural gas sector.18. Regulatory Period shall mean the period during which the new tariffs become effective and are regulated/reviewed according to ERE decision.19. “Ten-year network plan” refers to the ten-year network plan to be prepared by the TSO.20. Transmission System Operator (TSO) shall mean the legal person, performing the transmission activity and responsible for the operation, maintenance and development of the transmission system, including its interconnections with other cross-border systems, for ensuring the long term ability of the system to meet reasonable demands for natural gas transport;21. Day in each case on this regulation shall mean, calendar day. Any term used but not defined on this Regulation and ...
Grid Operator means TSO or DSO.