Grid Operator definition
Examples of Grid Operator in a sentence
The procedure is subject to the requirements of the Grid Code (Mrežna pravila elektroenergetskog sustava) and the agreement made between the producer and the Grid Operator.
The auditor shall be entitled to resign upon giving prior notice to the Grid Operator (who shall send a copy forthwith to the Executive Committee) (the period of such notice, if any, to be as set out in the terms of its appointment).
The tariff system is funded by fees that are charged per each kWh purchased by end consumers.5.3 Grid issues concerning RES Electricity Producers Any electricity producer must apply to the Croatian Grid Operator (Hrvatski operater prijenosnog sustava) for a new connection or reinforcement of an existing connection to the electricity grid.
Each Externally Interconnected Party (not being a Pool Member) and each of the Pool Funds Administrator, the Grid Operator and the Ancillary Services Provider (or its duly appointed representative) shall be entitled to attend and speak (but not vote) at meetings of the Executive Committee only where matters directly concerning its functions, duties or responsibilities have been identified or advised as provided in Clause 18.1.4 or if so requested by the Executive Committee.
Both documents are published on the website of the Grid Operator.