Construction Traffic Management Plan definition

Construction Traffic Management Plan means the construction traffic management plan attached at Annex [●] to this Deed (as the same may be amended from time to time by SZC Co subject to the approval of the Transport Review Group in accordance with paragraph 3.7);
Construction Traffic Management Plan means a plan for the control and management of construction traffic to be submitted to and agreed by the relevant planning authority prior to the commencement of the authorised development pursuant to requirement 10;
Construction Traffic Management Plan means any Construction Traffic Management Plan submitted to the Council for approval pursuant to the terms of the Planning Permission;

Examples of Construction Traffic Management Plan in a sentence

  • A Construction Traffic Management Plan must be submitted to and approved by Council prior to a Construction Certificate being issued.

  • A Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP) is to be prepared by an appropriately qualified Traffic Management Consultant and submitted to and approved by Council’s Engineering Section, prior to the commencement of any works including demolition.

  • The requirement for a Works Zone may be varied or waived only if it can be demonstrated in the Construction Traffic Management Plan (to the satisfaction of Council) that all construction related activities (including all loading and unloading operations) can and will be undertaken wholly within the site.

  • No development shall commence until a Construction Traffic Management Plan has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.

  • All works and construction activities are to be undertaken in accordance with the approved Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP).

More Definitions of Construction Traffic Management Plan

Construction Traffic Management Plan means the plan included as part of the CEMP incorporating strategies and measures to limit the impact on existing users of the public highway network arising from construction of the authorised development;
Construction Traffic Management Plan means the Project Plans relating to construction traffic management referred to in Annexures 9 of the Performance Specification.
Construction Traffic Management Plan means the construction traffic management plan attached at Annex [●] to this Deed (as the same may be amended from time to time by SZC Co);
Construction Traffic Management Plan means the plan established to manage and control traffic disruptions to existing users on the public highway that arise during the construction period of the development;
Construction Traffic Management Plan means any demolition and construction traffic management plan submitted for approval pursuant to condition 35 of the Planning Permission “Construction Traffic Management Plan Contribution” means the sum of £2,800 (two thousand and eight hundred pounds) for each Construction Traffic Management Plan submitted to the Council for approval such fee being payable again for each subsequent new version or material revision of the Construction Traffic Management Plan “Construction Training” means the provision of appropriate construction training for Local Residents in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea the nature and extent of which shall be determined by the Council at its absolute discretionConstruction Training Plan” means a plan produced by the Owner outlining a scheme for the provision of construction training for Local Residents during the Construction Period “Delivery and Servicing, Waste means the sum of £1,000 (one thousand pounds) for
Construction Traffic Management Plan means a document detailing the methods which will be implemented to manage construction-related vehicle trip including permitted access routes and accesses for construction traffic, main access/egress points for worksites and compounds and the proposed traffic management strategy.
Construction Traffic Management Plan means the Construction Traffic Management Plans referred to in Schedules 2 and 3