Examples of Consultative Bodies in a sentence
However, it was felt on consultation with Consultative Bodies that the minor change to paragraph 2.38 of the Specification was required to the contract documentation to make it consistent with the other face-to- face contracts.
Section 80 – Board of Directors and Consultative Bodies of TEZ Operators.
The process of consultation for IPs inside ancestral domains begins with a consultation with the Provincial Consultative Bodies (PCB) to present the project concept and map and to determine if the project would affect ancestral domains and IPs, the presence of IPs in the area, or the existence of collective attachment of IPs to the area affected.
Our constant priority is the correct and on a permanent basis the functioning of the Consultative Bodies of the Committee of the Regions, namely the Political Committee, the Trade Union Commission, the Student Committee and the General Advisory Body of the Youth Organization, so that there is a two-way relationship implementation of the Board’s policy, but also adoption of opinions and suggestions from the various youth organizations.
The National Indigenous Education Consultative Bodies (IECB) Network (2012) has released a position paper that draws on the development of the National professional standards for teachers (AITSL, 2011) and the Australian Curriculum.
Consultative Bodies The Courts will maintain a National Consultative Committee (NCC) and a Local Consultative Committee (LCC) in each major Registry.
The Conference welcomed the recommendations of the Euro-Mediterranean meeting of Economic and Social Consultative Bodies held in Athens.
Any such further requirements will be based on any relevant accreditation scheme introduced by a representative body recognised by us and will only be implemented following consultation with Consultative Bodies.
Section B1a to be completed for each Lot applied for CONTRACT #1 Start Date - End Date Client Name & address Client contact person: Phone no.: Details of Mentoring Services provided (set out sector, development stage of client, link to specific Category competency/area).
Based on the asprirasi Society Consultative Bodies of the village hosted a meeting of the members to formulate a Consultative Agency of the official views of the village and poured into a news show about the results of the meeting of members of the Consultative Body of the village.