Examples of Convention Certificate in a sentence
In the event of a flag state withdrawing any ship’s Convention Certificate (referred to in this section) then the TL may suspend the ship’s class.
Owner warrants to have received and to carry aboard the Vessel a Civil Liability Convention Certificate to verify financial indemnification against pollution.
Moreover, the vessel has a valid MaritimeLabor Convention Certificate, issued by the Classification Society, which inspected the vessel to ensure the vessel’s compliance with Regulation 3.2 (Food and Catering) of MLC 2006.
Billion One thousand million Bunkers Convention Certificate A certificate issued by the Association in compliance with Article 7 of the International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage 2001.
Bunkers Convention Certificate A certificate issued by Skuld in compliance with Article 7 of the International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage 2001.
Application for, and provision of, all necessary insurance related trading certificates, including CLC US Certificates of Finance Responsibility (COFRs), Bunker Convention Certificate; Wreck Removal Certificate.
Windows may be cleaned with alcohol and cotton swab.For hand soldering the maximum applicable temperature is 215°C for a dwell time less than 10s.Any temperature above 215°C will lead to an irreversible damage of the thermopile sensor.Avoid heat exposure to the top and the window of the detector.
Neither the Borrowers nor, to the best knowledge of the Borrowers, any other party to any such license or agreement is in default or violation thereof.
Pursuant to Section 12(2) of the CLCA, for any vessel having a gross tonnage greater than 1,000, shall not enter or leave any port in Singapore unless a contract of insurance or other security in respect of the ship satisfying the requirements of Article 7 of the Bunker Convention; and a Bunker Convention Certificate (“BCC”) issued by the MPA of Singapore for Singapore registered vessels.
Unfortunately, as mentioned by Sunaryo et al22) (2021), in Indonesia there is no ship recycling yard complies with the national as well as international regulations, or possesses Hong Kong Convention Certificate, and none of ship recycling facilities is officially registered as a ship recycling yard.