Examples of Designated Examining Authority in a sentence
Such Designated Examining Authority shall submit the model to the Commission, together with a description of its meth- ods for approving models.
If an Industry Member does not have an identifier assigned to them, they should request an identifier from their Designated Examining Authority (“DEA”).
The Exchange proposes to amend Article II, Rule 6(b) of the Exchange’s rules in order to limit the applicability of the Exchange’s Withdrawal of Capital provisions to member firms for which the Exchange is the Designated Examining Authority (‘‘DEA’’).
Clearing Agent shall also provide to the Introducing Firm’s Designated Examining Authority (or, if none, to its appropriate regulatory agency or authority) a copy of the notice sent to Introducing Firm transmitting the reports referred to in the preceding sentence.
The Examinations Department monitors the daily financial condition of floor brokers, market makers and specialists and serves as the Designated Examining Authority to audit selected member firms.
The Exchange conducts reviews of organizations for which the Exchange is the Designated Examining Authority.
If such other registered options exchange has not been designated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”), pursuant to Rule 17d-1 under the Exchange Act, to examine Members for compliance with financial responsibility rules (known as the Designated Examining Authority or “DEA”), then such Applicant must have and maintain a membership in FINRA.
I n dic a t e t h e r e- cipie n t a ge n cies t o w h ic h co mm odi t ies, m o n- e t ized p r oceeds o r p r og r a m i n co m e will be t r a n sfe rr ed, a n d ide n t ify t h ose r ecipie n t a ge n cies w h ic h will n o t be r eq u i r ed t o exe- c u t e R ecipie n t Age n c y Ag r ee m e n t s, a n d p r o- vide a b r ief expl a n a t io n of t h e r e a so n s.
Others believed that the mechanism of allowing the Designated Examining Authority (“DEA”) to grant exceptions to the concentration provision would be unworkable absent uniform guidelines for granting exceptions.
Effective January 1, 1995, the Phlx adopted a $1,000 per month examination fee applicable to member and participant organizations for which the Phlx acts as a Designated Examining Authority.