CTS Enabled Interface means an interface between the PJM Control Area and an adjacent Control Area at which the Office of the Interconnection has authorized the use of Coordinated Transaction Scheduling (“CTS”). The CTS Enabled Interfaces between the PJM Control Area and the New York Independent System Operator, Inc. Control Area shall be designated in Schedule A to the Joint Operating Agreement Among and Between New York Independent System Operator Inc. and PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. (PJM Rate Schedule FERC No. 45). The CTS Enabled Interfaces between the PJM Control Area and the Midcontinent Independent System Operator, Inc. shall be designated consistent with Attachment 3, section 2 of the Joint Operating Agreement between Midcontinent Independent System Operator, Inc. and PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. “CTS Interface Bid” shall mean a unified real-time bid to simultaneously purchase and sell energy on either side of a CTS Enabled Interface in accordance with the procedures of Operating Agreement, Schedule 1, section 1.13, and the parallel provisions of Tariff, Attachment K- Appendix.
online interface means any software, including a website, part of a website or an application, that is operated by or on behalf of an economic operator, and which serves to give end users access to the economic operator's products;
Standard Interface means an interface that either is an official standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that is widely used among developers working in that language.
Optional Interconnection Study means a sensitivity analysis of an Interconnection Request based on assumptions specified by the Interconnection Customer in the Optional Interconnection Study Agreement.
Optional Interconnection Study Agreement means the form of agreement for preparation of an Optional Interconnection Study, as set forth in Tariff, Attachment N-3.
Network Interface Device or "NID" is a Network Element (including all of its features, functions and capabilities) that includes any means of Interconnection of End User Customer premises wiring to Qwest's distribution plant, such as a cross connect device used for that purpose. "New Service Provider" means the Party to which an End User Customer switches its local Exchange Service or the Party to which an End User Customer is porting its telephone number(s).
Technical Support Services means the technical support and maintenance Services provided by us according to our then-current technical support policy and procedure listed at xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx (“Technical Support Policy”) when the Services are purchased.
Broadband Internet access service means a mass-market retail service by wire or radio that provides the capability to transmit data to and receive data from all or substantially all Internet endpoints, including any capabilities that are incidental to and enable the operation of the communications service, but excluding dial-up Internet access service. This term also encompasses any service that the State finds to be providing a functional equivalent of the service described in the previous sentence, or that is used to evade the protections set forth in this section.
Interface means the mixture occurring in pipeline operations between adjoining batches having similar or dissimilar physical characteristics.
Generation Interconnection Request means a request by a Generation Interconnection Customer pursuant to Tariff, Part IV, subpart A, to interconnect a generating unit with the Transmission System or to increase the capacity of a generating unit interconnected with the Transmission System in the PJM Region.
All-round light means a light showing an unbroken light over an arc of the horizon of 360 degrees.
Project Management Plan means the portion of the Project Development Plan providing the information requested in Section 4.2 of Exhibit B to the ITP.
Technical Support means the technical assistance for attempting resolution of a reported Case through error correction, patches, hot fixes, workarounds, replacement deliveries, or any other type of Product corrections or modifications.
Child support services means any civil, criminal or administrative action taken by the Division of
National Medical Support Notice or “NMSN” shall mean a notice that contains the following information:
New Services Queue Closing Date means each April 30 and October 31 shall be the Queue Closing Date for the New Services Queue comprised of Interconnection Requests, Completed Applications, and Upgrade Requests received during the six-month period ending on such date. “New York ISO” or “NYISO” shall mean the New York Independent System Operator, Inc. or any successor thereto.
Statewide popular election means a general election in which votes are cast for
Optional Services means services that a USF Service Provider is authorized but not required to provide pursuant to the USF Services and Subsidy Agreement and any Licences held by a USF Service Provider;
Interconnection Provider means PacifiCorp Transmission.
Bulk Electric System shall have the meaning provided for in the NERC Glossary of Terms used in Reliability Standards, as it may be amended, supplemented, or restated from time to time.
Displacement system means a device enabling the adult seat or one of its parts to be displaced angularly or longitudinally, without a fixed intermediate position, to facilitate the entry and exit of passengers and the loading and unloading of objects.
Implementation Services means the supply, configuration and programming of Customer Equipment and/or Services and training where set out in an Order.
Generation Interconnection Customer means an entity that submits an Interconnection Request to interconnect a new generation facility or to increase the capacity of an existing generation facility interconnected with the Transmission System in the PJM Region.
Alternative school means an environment established apart from the regular educational program and that includes policies and rules, staff, and resources designed to accommodate student needs and to provide a comprehensive education consistent with the student learning goals and content standards established by the school district or by the school districts participating in a consortium. Students attend by choice.
User Interface means the interface for the Hosted Services designed to allow individual human users to access and use the Hosted Services.
Project Managers means the individuals identified in Section 12 of this Agreement who are authorized by TriMet and Subrecipient respectively to send and receive communications regarding this Agreement.