Direct service staff definition
Examples of Direct service staff in a sentence
The Case Management Services shall conform to the position description for a case manager attached as Exhibit 2.
Direct service staff and volunteers would be reimbursed in accordance with State Travel Regulations, Travel expenses associated with administrative costs, such as making bank deposits, delivering and picking up mail, and attending meeting or general speaking engagements would not be allowable expenses under the VAWA grant.
Direct service staff hold associate or bachelor degrees or equivalency, participate in Youth Intervention Certification, and receive ongoing training and evaluation.
Direct service staff responded to questions regarding their knowledge of consumers, the IPP, communication, service delivery, procedures for safety, emergency preparedness, and medications.
Direct service staff who meet residential licensing requirements are considered to be an allowable expense within an Appendix D facility.
Ensure enrollment or SV01 code 807 Code: 630.220b2 Contract All Kids log Case Notes Direct service staff for the program must meet the standards; proof of current licensure must be available.
Direct service staff includes individuals with one-to-one, ongoing contact with beneficiaries and supervisors with access to case files.
Solubility and partitioning of some hydrophobic dyes and related compounds.
This person should be someone with no or very littlecontact with the consumer and should not be directly involved in the consumer’s care.• Direct service staff should not ask to review the surveys before they are submitted to the managing entity.• Provision of services must never be based upon consumers completing a survey.
Direct service staff shall be provided regular opportunities for professional training.In the event that an independent professional, one not employed by or managing an agency with multiple staff, is providing offender services, the professional should at a minimum meet the standards set forth for supervisory staff and should regularly seek and obtain professional (i.e. qualified peer or collegial) supervision specific to domestic violence and working with offenders.