Examples of Distant Worker in a sentence
International Distant Worker A “Distant Worker” as defined, and who in addition has been specifically recruited by the company as an International Distant Worker and whose Usual Place of Residence is outside of Australia.
Local Worker An Employee who is neither a Distant Worker as defined nor an International Distant Worker as defined under this Agreement.
Failure to comply with village rules may lead to the withdrawal of accommodation and possible termination of employment.A laundry service will be provided to the Distant Worker Employees free of charge by the Managing Contractor (for the purpose of this clause Managing Contractor means Kellogg Joint Venture – Gorgon).
For the purposes of this provision the Employer may deduct any amount to be refunded from any moneys otherwise due to the Distant Worker under their contract of employment.
Overview of the SPRING ScenarioThis scenario tests QoS concerns (such as throughput, latency, jitter, and scalability) of the underlying enterprise DRE system infrastructure ( e.g., hardware, middleware, op- erating system, and network) that will host it.
Alternative 1 Proposal: Establishment of 3 ‘Residential 1’ stands (Conventional foundations) and an Erf zoned Special for servicesAdverse and beneficial impacts were identified for the proposed activity.
PSL International Distant WorkersNotwithstanding anything else in this Agreement, an International Distant Worker qualifying for PSL shall be entitled to the same PSL benefits as an Australian worker, except that they may also arrange, by mutual agreement with their Employer, a work cycle of 56 days (thereby doubling their standard 28 day work cycle), and in so doing accrue 68 hours PSL (instead of the standard 34 hours PSL), subject to the requirements of this clause and Appendix 3.
Nothing in this clause shall prevent a Distant Worker from applying for and taking annual leave.
Another feature of active galactic nuclei (AGN) is an enormous energy output in other wavelengths as well, coming from an extremely compact core.
After each further 28 days of service on the Site with the Company, the Distant Worker shall again be entitled to seven (7) consecutive days off duty but only one (1) day’s leave on Ordinary Wages subject to the provisions of subclause 11(b) of this clause.