Early Redemption and Exercise of Options Sample Clauses
Early Redemption and Exercise of Options. 10.01 If the Issuer intends (other than consequent upon an Issuer Event of Default) to redeem all or any of the Covered Bonds prior to their stated maturity date or to exercise any other option under the Conditions, it shall, not less than 14 days prior to the latest date for the publication of the notice of redemption or of exercise of the Issuer’s option required to be given to the Holders of any Covered Bonds, give written notice of such intention to the Bond Trustee and the Issuing and Paying Agent or, in the case of Registered Covered Bonds, the Registrar (copied to the Issuing and Paying Agent) stating the date on which such Covered Bonds are to be redeemed or such option is to be exercised.
10.02 In respect of any Covered Bonds to which Condition 6.07 applies or which carries any other right of redemption or other right exercisable at the option of the Holders of such Covered Bonds, the Issuer will provide the Paying Agents or, in the case of Registered Covered Bonds, the Registrar with copies of the form of the current redemption notice or exercise notice and the Paying Agents or, as the case may be, the Registrar will make available forms of the current redemption notice or exercise notice to Holders of Covered Bonds upon request during usual business hours at their respective specified offices. Upon receipt of any Covered Bond deposited in the exercise of such option, the Paying Agent or, in the case of Registered Covered Bonds, the Registrar with which such Covered Bond is deposited shall hold such Covered Bond (together with, in the case of a Definitive Covered Bond, any Receipts and/or Coupons relating to it deposited with it) on behalf of the depositing Holder of such Covered Bond (but shall not, save as provided below, release it) until the due date for redemption of the relevant Covered Bond consequent upon the exercise of such option, or, as the case may be, the date upon which the exercise of such option takes effect when, in the case of redemption and subject as provided below, it shall present such Covered Bond (and any such Receipts and/or Coupons) to itself for payment in accordance with the Conditions and shall pay such moneys in accordance with the directions of the Holder of the Covered Bond contained in the relevant redemption notice. In the case of an exercise of any other option, the relevant Paying Agent or, in the case of Registered Covered Bonds, the Registrar, shall take such steps as may be required to be taken by it in the...
Early Redemption and Exercise of Options. 11.1 Exercise of call or other option
Early Redemption and Exercise of Options. If the Issuer decides to redeem all (but not some only) of the Securities for the time being outstanding under Condition 5 (Redemption, Purchase and Options), it shall give notice of the decision to the Fiscal Agent and the Calculation Agent at least 30 and not more than 60 calendar days before the relevant redemption date, stating in such notice the date on which the Securities are to be redeemed, the redemption price and the manner in which such redemption will be effected.
Early Redemption and Exercise of Options. 9.1 If the Issuer intends (other than consequent upon an Event of Default) to redeem all or any of the Notes prior to their stated maturity date or to exercise any other option under the Terms and Conditions, it shall, not less than 14 days prior to the latest date for the publication of the notice of redemption or of exercise of the Issuer’s option required to be given to the Holders of any Notes, give notice of such intention to the Fiscal Agent stating the date on which such Notes are to be redeemed or such option is to be exercised.
9.2 In respect of any Notes to which Condition 10(h) or Condition 10(i) applies or which carries any other right of redemption or other right exercisable at the option of the Holders of such Notes, the Issuer will provide the Paying Agents with copies of the form of the current redemption notice or exercise notice and the Paying Agents will make available forms of the current redemption notice or exercise notice to Holders of Notes upon request during usual business hours at their respective specified offices. Upon receipt of any Note deposited in the exercise of such option, the Paying Agent with which such Note is deposited shall hold such Note (together with, in the case of a Definitive Note, any Receipts and/or Coupons relating to it deposited with it) on behalf of the depositing Holder of such Note (but shall not, save as provided below, release it) until the due date for redemption of the relevant Note consequent upon the exercise of such option, or, as the case may be, the date upon which the exercise of such option takes effect when, in the case of redemption and subject as provided below, it shall present such Note (and any such Receipts and/or Coupons) to itself for payment in accordance with the Terms and Conditions and shall pay such moneys in accordance with the directions of the Holder of the Note contained in the relevant redemption notice. In the case of an exercise of any other option, the relevant Paying Agent shall take such steps as may be required to be taken by it in the Terms and Conditions. If, prior to such due date for its redemption or the date upon which the exercise of such option takes effect, an Event of Default occurs in respect of such Note or if upon due presentation payment of such redemption moneys is improperly withheld or refused, the Paying Agent concerned shall, without prejudice to the exercise of such option, mail such Note (together with any such Receipts and/or Coupons) by uninsur...
Early Redemption and Exercise of Options. Appointment And Duties Of The Agent Bank...............................14 11.
Early Redemption and Exercise of Options. 17 SECTION 10. APPOINTMENT AND DUTIES OF THE CALCULATION AGENT............................ 17
Early Redemption and Exercise of Options. 27 13. Miscellaneous Duties of the Registrar ................................................................................................. 28 14. Appointment and Duties of the Calculation Agent ............................................................................. 30 15.
Early Redemption and Exercise of Options.
10.1 Exercise of call or other options
Early Redemption and Exercise of Options. 14 7 Cancellation, Destruction, Records and Reporting Requirements................................ 15
Early Redemption and Exercise of Options. 10.1 Exercise of call or other option If the Issuer intends (other than consequent upon an Event of Default) to redeem all or any of the Notes prior to their stated maturity date or to exercise any other option under the Conditions, it shall, not less than 14 days prior to the latest date for the publication of the notice of redemption or of exercise of such option required to be given to the Holders of any Notes, give notice of such intention to the Principal Paying Agent stating the date on which such Notes are to be redeemed or such option is to be exercised.