Examples of Emergency Support in a sentence
Emergency telephone NCEC - For Chemical Emergency Support ONLY (spill, leak, fire, exposure or accident), Call NCEC at +44 1865 407333 (24Hrs UK)when calling please quote "AUTOSMART 29003-NCEC" If you urgently need medical help or advice but it's not a life-threatening situation, call 111 free from any phone to speak to an NHS adviser.
This plan may be titled as the Emergency Support Function #8, an annex to the County Emergency Operations Plan, Public Health All-Hazards Plan, or other title that fits into the standardized county emergency preparedness nomenclature.
This Emergency Support Function (ESF) Annex describes expected mission execution for the preparedness and response phases and identifies the responsibilities assigned to its members.
The Department of Elder Affairs monitors the census of all special needs shelters in conjunction with Emergency Support Function 8 – Health and Medical.
Emergency Support FunctionAn Emergency Support Function (ESF) provides structure for coordinating interagency support for a response to an emergency incident.