Equipment Type definition
Examples of Equipment Type in a sentence
ITEM DESCRIPTION - Provide: Make, Model, Year, VIN, License Plate No., and List NWCG Equipment Type 8.
Yes No If existing load with metered load data, provide coincident Summer peak load: If new load or existing load without metered load data, provide estimated coincident Summer peak load, together with supporting documentation for such estimated value: Typical Reactive Load (if known): Maximum Physical Export Capability Requested:_ kW List components of the Small Generating Facility equipment package that are currently certified: Equipment Type Certifying Entity 1.
Borrower shall notify Lender immediately in writing of any default in connection with any agreement.Operations.
Record Identifier C01/Segment VID01 - Code in the Equipment Description Code data element is missing or not in the container/equipment description code table (Appendix I).orRecord Identifier C01/Segment VID09 - If provided, code in the equipment description portion of the Equipment Type data element is not in the container/equipment description code table (Appendix I).
Yes No Local provider: Maximum Physical Export Capability Requested:_ kWList components of the Small Generating Facility equipment package that are currently certified: Equipment Type Certifying Entity1.