Additional Equipment. Additional Equipment may from time to time be added as the subject matter of this Agreement as agreed on by the parties. Any additional property will be added in an amendment describing the property, the monthly rental, security deposit, and stipulated loss value of the additional Equipment. All amendments must be in writing and signed by both parties. Other than by this amendment procedure, this Agreement may not be amended, modified, or altered in any manner except in writing signed by both parties.
Additional Equipment. Customer must immediately notify ImageNet Consulting, LLC upon installation and network connection of any additional equipment at Customer’s site capable of using ImageNet Consulting, LLC supplied toner cartridges. Upon installation, such equipment will automatically be included as the Equipment under this Agreement and billed accordingly to Customer.
Additional Equipment. 12.1 If at any time throughout the term of the Contract the Supplier agrees to provide the Customer with any additional equipment (“additional equipment”) then:
12.1.1 such additional equipment and associated software will form part of the Equipment and Software for the purposes of this Contract; and
12.1.2 the service charge for the Support Services shall be increased by an amount equal to the agreed service charge for the Support Services as specified on the additional equipment purchase order in respect of the additional equipment such increase to be effective from the date on which the additional equipment is provided to the Customer.
Additional Equipment. The University and the Union believe that communication between Employees and Supervisors is essential in the workplace. Proposals concerning equipment are appropriate subjects for the labor management committee as set forth in Article 6. Upon request to the Director of Communications, a Bargaining Unit member will be issued an individual headset device.
Additional Equipment. The contractor shall provide all small tools and other equipment necessary to complete the work in accordance with the specification.
Additional Equipment. 8.1 If at any time throughout the Term the Supplier agrees to provide the Customer with any Additional Equipment, any such Equipment will form part of the Equipment for the purposes of the Maintenance Agreement. The Supplier will;
8.1.1 Increase the annual service charge by an amount equal to 12% of the Equipment purchase cost;
8.1.2 The Term for the Additional Equipment will co-incide with the existing Initial Period;
8.2 If the Supplier deems the level of support being provided is not proportional to the relative charge pursuant to condition 3 whilst considering condition 7.9, then the Supplier will apply an appropriate increase to the annual service charge.
Additional Equipment. The Contractor may offer additional equipment after the Agreement is Approved by VDOT. If VDOT accepts the additional equipment, it will be added on a separate Agreement. If equipment is offered after the district’s initial Agreement period, the first half of mobilization rate will not be paid.
Additional Equipment. RX agrees to install and/or supply additional Equipment, as determined by mutual agreement of the parties, at no additional cost to Six Flags.
Additional Equipment. This Clause 18 shall only apply if we agree to provide you with Additional Equipment (as set out on the Proposal, or as otherwise agreed in writing) or we agree to allow personalised or cherished vehicle registration plates to applied to the vehicle which must be confirmed and agreed in writing with ourselves.
18.1 You may request that any Vehicle you hire from us is customised with additional equipment and/or branding (for example, tow bars & company branding) (“Additional Equipment”) or the replacement of the existing vehicle registration plates with a personalised or cherished vehicle registration plate
18.2 You acknowledge and agree that the charges for the Additional Equipment and any associated administration charges for the processing of the change of the original vehicle registration plate to a personal or cherished vehicle registration plate are in addition to the Lease Charges for the relevant Vehicle and will be invoiced and paid for separately from the Lease Agreement.
18.3 You will be liable for and will indemnify us against any Losses we incur as a result of your use of any intellectual property as Additional Equipment on the Vehicle (including any claims that the branding applied to a Vehicle infringes the intellectual property rights of a third party)
18.4 If a cherished or personalised vehicle registration plate is applied, you will retain the original registration plate and re-instate the said vehicle registration plate on return of the vehicle once it is off-hired. Should you fail to complete this requirement you will be liable for all associated costs for re-instatement of the original vehicle registration plate including an Administration Fee.
Additional Equipment. In view of the Additional Equipment, the Appendix A in the Maintenance Agreement will include the Additional Equipment with the details in the table of “Appendix A– Additional Equipment” table below. The details of the Additional Equipment are as follows. The adjustments to the Contract Price as a result of the Additional Equipment is set out in the table below will apply accordingly:- 4 5 6 10 * Comprehensive Contract or Labour Contract or PM Only Contract **For missed PM, Payable Amount = (Cost to be invoiced for each applicable piece of Equipment after each PM) – (Deduction for missed PM) . The “Deduction for missed PM” should be equivalent to the amount charged for PM only services.