Equivalence of Inputs definition

Equivalence of Inputs or “EOI” means that BT provides, in respect of a particular product or service, the same product or service to all Communications Providers (including BT) on the same timescales, terms and conditions (including price and service levels) by means of the same systems and processes, and includes the provision to all Communications Providers (including BT) of the same Commercial Information about such products, services, systems and processes. In particular, it includes the use by BT of such systems and processes in the same way as other Communications Providers and with the same degree of reliability and performance as experienced by other Communications Providers.
Equivalence of Inputs means that BT will supply LLU on the same timescales, terms and conditions (including price) and by the same systems and processes to all communications providers (including its own downstream operations). Further, LLU will be sold out of a separate division of the BT group, referred to as the ‘Access Services Division’ or ASD.
Equivalence of Inputs means the provision of all services and information to access seekers and to the downstream businesses of the SMP operator on the same terms and conditions (including price and quality of service levels), the same timescales using the same systems and processes. Equivalence of inputs as defined may apply to the access products, associated and ancillary services that are necessary for providing the 'Wholesale inputs' (including on a virtual basis where applicable) to access seekers and to the downstream business of the SMP operator. In this context reference to terms and conditions relating to price should be read in conjunction with Recommend14.

Examples of Equivalence of Inputs in a sentence

  • Separation was considered as part of a proposal by resale-based competitors to introduce Equivalence of Inputs regulations, which was rejected.

  • Equivalence of Inputs regulation requires functional or structural separation of the wholesale and retail operations, such that the retail arm of the network operator receives from its wholesale operations exactly the same services, facilities, terms and conditions as any resale-based entrant would receive.

  • Quality of service regulation is commonly applied in the EC countries studied in this report, including the requirement to monitor and file reports on the quality of service for wholesale access services.48 In the case of the United Kingdom, quality of service requirements were imposed along with the separation of the wholesale and retail operations of the incumbent telecom operator, BT, as a component of the regulatory requirement referred to as Equivalence of Inputs.

  • For Shared Metallic Path Facility and Metallic Path Facility the RFS dates shown above are the dates from which an Equivalence of Inputs product is available for use by Communications Providers and by BT (and is in use by BT) for new customers of products based upon that Shared Metallic Path Facility or Metallic Path Facility.

  • For Backhaul Extension Service BT will have Equivalence of Inputs capable systems in place by 30 September 2006.

  • MFAT is the donor and RNZWCS as the principle recipient of the fund is responsible for all facets of day to day operation including project management, monitoring and evaluation.

  • GemaTech RepresentationThat access to ALL serving local BT DLEs be also granted within a reasonable time of a request to enable Equivalence of Inputs status to be granted for the reasons stated in GemaTech’s Basis for Representation.

  • BT shall by 30 September 2006 launch a Wholesale Extension Service Backhaul Product which shall be offered on an Equivalence of Inputs basis.

  • Where a new Input Service is required to be made available by a variation to the UFB Contract or the issue of a Standard Terms Determination, the LFC will have a reasonable time period as agreed between the LFC and the Commission before the LFC is required to deliver that new Input Service to the Equivalence of Inputs Standard.

  • Where BT provides Network Access using its NGN, it shall do so on an Equivalence of Inputs basis.

More Definitions of Equivalence of Inputs

Equivalence of Inputs means the provision of services and information to internal and third-party access seekers on the same terms and conditions, including price and quality of service levels, within the same time scales using the same systems and processes, and with the same degree of reliability and performance. See Article 6(g) Commission Recommendation of 11.9.2013 on consistent non- discrimination obligations and costing methodologies to promote competition and enhance the broadband investment environment.
Equivalence of Inputs means, in relation to any product or service to which Equivalence of Inputs is applicable pursuant to these Undertakings, that such product or service is provided by BT to all Communications Providers (including BT) on the same timescales, terms and conditions (including price) by means of the same systems and processes, and that the same Commercial Information about such products, services, systems and processes is provided by BT to all Communications Providers (including BT’s own downstream businesses). In particular, all BT downstream products shall use the same systems and processes
Equivalence of Inputs or “EOI” means that Telkom provides, in respect of a particular product or service, the same product or service to all Licensees (including Telkom) on the same timescales, terms and conditions (including price and service levels) by means of the same systems and processes, and includes the provision to all Licensees (including Telkom) of the same Commercial Information about such products, services, systems and processes. In particular, it includes the use by Telkom of such systems and processes in the same way as other Licensees and with the same degree of reliability and performance as experienced by other Licensees.
Equivalence of Inputs or “EOI” means that successful bidders sign an undertaking to provide Wholesale Open Access services not just on new services but on all legacy products and services as well, including but not limited to 3G, the same products or services to all ECS and ECNS licensees (including the retail arm of the successful bidders) on the same timescales, terms and conditions (including price and service levels) by means of the same systems and processes and includes the provision to all ECS and ECNS licensees (including the retail arm of the

Related to Equivalence of Inputs

  • equivalence means the state wherein mandatory requirements applied in the exporting Party, though different from the mandatory requirements applied in the importing Party, meet the legitimate objective of the mandatory requirements applied in the importing Party;

  • Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater means the most recent edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater published jointly by the American Public Health Association, the American Waterworks Association and the Water Environment Federation;

  • Alternative Compliance Payment or "ACP" means a payment of a certain dollar amount per megawatt hour, which a Retail Electricity Supplier may submit in lieu of supplying the minimum percentage of RECs required under Section 3.3.4 of this Regulation.

  • Previously Absent Financial Maintenance Covenant means, at any time, any financial maintenance covenant that is not included in the Loan Documents at such time.

  • Resource Adequacy Rulings means CPUC Decisions 00-00-000, 00-00-000, 00-00-000, 06- 06-024, 00-00-000 and any subsequent CPUC ruling or decision, or any other resource adequacy laws, rules or regulations enacted, adopted or promulgated by any applicable Governmental Authority, as such CPUC decisions, rulings, laws, rules or regulations may be amended or modified from time to time during the Term.

  • Technology protection measure means a specific technology that blocks or filters Internet access to visual depictions that are:

  • Locational Deliverability Area or “LDA” shall mean a geographic area within the PJM Region that has limited transmission capability to import capacity to satisfy such area’s reliability requirement, as determined by the Office of the Interconnection in connection with preparation of the Regional Transmission Expansion Plan, and as specified in Reliability Assurance Agreement, Schedule 10.1.

  • Asset adequacy analysis means an analysis that meets the standards and other requirements referred to in 5.34(5)“d.”

  • Industrial maintenance coating means a high performance architectural coating, including primers, sealers, undercoaters, intermediate coats, and topcoats formulated for application to substrates, including floors, exposed to one or more of the following extreme environmental conditions listed below and labeled “For industrial use only;” “For professional use only;” “Not for residential use;” or “Not intended for residential use.”

  • Electronic and Information Resources Accessibility Standards means the accessibility standards for electronic and information resources contained in 1 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 213.

  • Resource Adequacy Requirements has the meaning set forth in Section 3.3.

  • Regulatory Floodway means the channel of a river or other watercourse and the adjacent land areas that must be reserved in order to discharge the base flood without cumulatively increasing the water surface elevation more than a designated height.

  • Maintenance Margin means the minimum amount of money required in your Trading Account as specified on the Trading Platform in order to keep a Transaction open on the Trading Platform.

  • Solar alternative compliance payment or "SACP" means a

  • Annual summative evaluation rating means an annual evaluation rating that is based on appraisals of educator practice and student performance, and includes all measures captured in a teacher’s evaluation rubric. The four summative performance categories are ineffective, partially effective, effective, and highly effective.

  • Computed tomography means the production of a tomogram by the acquisition and computer processing of X-ray transmission data.

  • Resource Adequacy means the procurement obligation of load serving entities, including Buyer, as such obligations are described in CPUC Decisions D.00-00-000 and D.00-00-000 and subsequent CPUC decisions addressing Resource Adequacy issues, as those obligations may be altered from time to time in the CPUC Resource Adequacy Rulemakings (R.) 00-00-000 and (R.) 00-00-000 or by any successor proceeding, and all other Resource Adequacy obligations established by any other entity, including the CAISO.

  • Turbidity means the cloudy condition of water due to the presence of extremely fine particulate materials in suspension that interfere with the passage of light.