ETHICS COMPLIANCE. All Bidders/Contractors and their employees must comply with the requirements of Sections 73 and 74 of the Public Officers Law, other State codes, rules, regulations and executive orders establishing ethical standards for the conduct of business with New York State. In signing the Bid, Bidder certifies full compliance with those provisions for any present or future dealings, transactions, sales, contracts, services, offers, relationships, etc., involving New York State and/or its employees. Failure to comply with those provisions may result in disqualification from the Bidding process, termination of contract, and/or other civil or criminal proceedings as required by law.
ETHICS COMPLIANCE. The following forms are included in this solicitation and shall be completed and submitted as indicated below: A. Orange County Specific Project Expenditure Report -The purpose of this form is to document any expenses incurred by a lobbyist for the purposes described in Section 2-351, Orange County Code. This form shall be completed and submitted with all bid responses to an Orange County solicitation. Any questions concerning this form shall be addressed to the contracting agent identified in the applicable solicitation.
ETHICS COMPLIANCE. The following forms are included in this solicitation and shall be completed and submitted as indicated below:
ETHICS COMPLIANCE. The following forms are included in this solicitation and shall be completed and submitted as indicated below: This form shall be completed and submitted with the applicable bid, proposal or response to an Orange County solicitation. No contract award will be made unless this form has been completed and submitted. Any questions concerning this form shall be addressed to the contracting agent identified in the applicable solicitation. Also, a listing of the most frequently asked questions concerning this form is attached for your information.
ETHICS COMPLIANCE. Subject to theGovernmental Agencies” portion of the “Release of Claims – Including Age Discrimination and Employment Claims” above, you agree that you provided P&G all information known to you regarding any violations of the Procter & Xxxxxx Worldwide Business Conduct Manual and/or any other violations of P&G policy or the law.
ETHICS COMPLIANCE. In their roles with the Authority, each member of the Governing Board and the Executive Committee will be treated as “Covered Individuals” within the meaning of Section 1-19 of the Broward County Code of Ordinances and must comply with all state and County laws and requirements pertaining to conflicts of interest, ethics, and lobbying. For purposes of the prohibition on lobbying under Section 1-19(c)(2) of the Broward County Code of Ordinances, the Executive Director and TAC will also be treated as “Covered Individuals.” The Governing Board may adopt additional requirements for itself, the Executive Director, the Executive Committee, the TAC, and any employees of the Authority.
ETHICS COMPLIANCE. The following forms are included in this solicitation and shall be completed and submitted as indicated below: a. Orange County Specific Project Expenditure Report -The purpose of this form is to document any expenses incurred by a lobbyist for the purposes described in Section 2-351, Orange County Code. This form shall be completed and submitted with any bid, proposal or other response to an Orange County solicitation. The bidder, proposer or responder to the solicitation shall not be awarded a contract unless this form has been completed and submitted. Any questions concerning this form shall be addressed to the contracting agent identified in the applicable solicitation. Also, a listing of the most frequently asked questions concerning this form is attached for your information.
ETHICS COMPLIANCE. Each party agrees to comply with Ohio Ethics Laws as listed in the Chapters 102 and 2921 of the Ohio Revised Code. By signing this Cooperative Agreement, each party certifies that it is unaware of any violations of these provisions and that the undersigned believes their respective entity is in compliance with these provisions.
ETHICS COMPLIANCE. Contractor represents, warrants, and certifies that it and its employees engaged in the administration or performance of this Agreement are knowledgeable of, and understand, the Ohio Ethics and Conflict of Interest laws. Contractor further represents, warrants, and certifies that neither Contractor nor any of its employees will do any act that is inconsistent with such laws.