Examples of EU Rules in a sentence
Where the EU Rules apply to the contract, then you are obliged by law to disclose the tender evaluation criteria in advance (see CSO 12.2).
However, the flexibility which applied previously whereby parcels which were in payment under an agri-environment scheme could be converted to forestry without penalty is no longer available under the EU Rules and Regulations governing the new Programme.
Purchasing Schemes can be a very efficient way of ensuring compliance with the EU Rules without having to undertake further separate EU procurement processes.
There is no discretion available in terms of the threshold at which the EU Rules will apply.
The Council cannot discharge itself from its obligations to ensure compliance with the EU Rules.
Responsible Officers should act cautiously and seek advice when considering the procedure to be used and application of the EU Rules to services contracts.** or relevant threshold in force at the time under the EU Rules.
This DPA will not apply to the processing of Personal Data, where such processing is not regulated by the EU Rules.
For this reason many of the benefits of the Trieste’s free Port are not available in the EU Free zones especially because of the EU Rules concerning state aid that severely restrict the creation of special economic zones and their regime.
All clauses of the Agreement(s), that are not explicitly amended or supplemented by the clauses of this DPA, and as long as this does not contradict with compulsory requirements of EU Rules, under this DPA, remain in full force and effect and shall apply, including, but not limited to: Governing Law and Dispute Resolution, Jurisdiction, Limitation of Liability (to the maximum extent permitted by the EU Rules).
Under the EU Rules, the additional requirements must also be purchased within 3 years of the original contract.