Existing Land Use Regulations definition

Existing Land Use Regulations means all Land Use Regulations in effect as of the approval date of this Agreement, including the Project Approvals.
Existing Land Use Regulations means all Land Use Regulations in effect on the Effective Date. Existing Land Use Regulations includes the Land Use Regulations incorporated herein as Exhibit “D” and all other Land Use Regulations which are a matter of public record on the Effective Date.
Existing Land Use Regulations means all Land Use Regulations in effect on the date after the date of execution. Existing Land Use Regulations include all regulations that are a matter of public record on the date of execution as they may be modified by the Existing Development Approvals. Alternatively, at the written election of the Owner, or all Owners if more than one, the phrase “Existing Land Use Regulations” means all Land Use Regulations in effect on the date after specified in the notice of election to City. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Existing Land Use Regulations include the regulations set forth in AB 266 and AB 243. In the event AB 266 and AB 243 are not duly enacted and do not become operative, Owner shall not be required to comply with the regulations set forth in AB 266 and AB 243.

Examples of Existing Land Use Regulations in a sentence

  • In furtherance of the foregoing, the Developer retains the right to apportion the uses, intensities and densities, between itself and any subsequent Owners, upon the sale, transfer, or assignment of any portion of the Property, so long as such apportionment is consistent with the Existing Land Use Regulations and this Agreement.

  • Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Developer acknowledges that nothing herein is intended or shall be construed as (i) overriding any provision of the Existing Land Use Regulations relating to the phasing of Development of the Property; or (ii) restricting the City from exercising the powers described in Section 11 of this Agreement to regulate Development of the Property.

  • As such, the Specific Plan shall be the primary document governing the Development of the Property and, in the event of a conflict, shall prevail over any other of the Existing Land Use Regulations except for this Agreement, which prevails over the Specific Plan.

  • Future Land Use Regulations which (i) are not in conflict with the Existing Land Use Regulations, (ii)allowed under the Development Agreement Statute (§ 65866); or (ii) are in conflict with the Existing Land Use Regulations but the application of which to the Project has been consented to in writing by Developer.

  • This Agreement shall not prevent the City from adopting future Land Use Regulations or amending Existing Land Use Regulations which are uniform codes and are based on recommendations of a multi-state professional organization and become applicable throughout the City, such as, but not limited to, the Uniform Building, Electrical, Plumbing, Mechanical, or Fire Codes.

More Definitions of Existing Land Use Regulations

Existing Land Use Regulations means the ordinances adopted by the City Council of Mount Vernon in effect on the Effective Date, including the adopting ordinances that govern the permitted uses of land, the density and intensity of use, and the design, improvement, construction standards and specifications applicable to the development of the Subject Property, including, but not limited to the Comprehensive Plan, the City’s Official Zoning Map and development standards, the Design Manual, the Public Works Standards, SEPA, Concurrency Ordinance, and all other ordinances, codes, rules and regulations of the City establishing subdivision standards, park regulations, building standards. Existing Land Use Regulation does not include non-land use regulations, which includes taxes and impact fees.
Existing Land Use Regulations means the ordinances, resolutions and regulations applicable to the Project, to the extent they govern the permitted uses of land, and the density and intensity of land use, as set forth in the following plans and ordinances as they exist on the Effective Date: 1.12.1 The Xxxxxx General Plan; 1.12.2 The Xxxxxx Zoning Code.
Existing Land Use Regulations means all Land Use Regulations in effect on the date after specified in the notice of election to City. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Existing Land Use Regulations include the regulations set forth in AB 266 and AB 243. In the event AB 266 and AB 243 are not duly enacted and do not become operative, Owner shall not be required to comply with the regulations set forth in AB 266 and AB 243.
Existing Land Use Regulations means all Land Use Regulations in effect on the date of execution. Existing Land Use Regulations include all provisions in the SMC Chapter 17, Zoning, and other regulations that are a matter of public record on the date of execution as they may be modified from time to time. Notwithstanding by the Existing Development Approvals. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Existing Land Use Regulations include the regulations set forth in AB 266 and AB 243.
Existing Land Use Regulations means those Land Use Regulations applicable to the Quarry in effect on the Effective Date.
Existing Land Use Regulations means all Land Use Regulations in effect on the Approval Date, including the General Plan and applicable zoning. Changes to Land Use Regulations becoming effective from the day after the Approval Date through the Effective Date shall not be considered part of the Existing Land Use Regulations without Owner's prior written consent, except as provided in Section 6.1. This Agreement, a Land Use Regulation which shall not become effective until the Effective Date, has Owner's prior written consent and shall be considered an Existing Land Use Regulation.
Existing Land Use Regulations mean the ordinances and regulations adopted by the City of Anaheim in effect on the Effective Date, including the adopting ordinances and regulations that govern the permitted uses of land, the density and intensity of use, and the design, improvement, construction standards and specifications applicable to the development of the Property, including, but not limited to, the General Plan, the Zoning Code, the Platinum Triangle Master Land Use Plan, Updated and Modified Mitigation Monitoring Program No. 106C, and all other ordinances of the City establishing subdivision standards, park regulations, impact or development fees and building and improvement standards, but only to the extent the Zoning Ordinance and such other regulations are not inconsistent with this Development Agreement. Existing Land Use Regulations do not include non-land use regulations, which includes taxes.