Extended definition
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Extended tours may be discontinued by the Union in any facility/unit when sixty percent (60%) of the full-time and part-time employees in the facility/unit so indicate by secret ballot to the Union.
Rowe Price Extended Equity Market Index Fund XMX Mutual Fund - Series T.
During the Extended Term, either party may terminate this Agreement upon at least sixty (60) days prior written notice.
In the event the policy is canceled, non-renewed, switched to occurrence form, or any other event which triggers the right to purchase a Supplemental Extended Reporting Period (SERP) during the life of this contract the Vendor/Contractor agrees to purchase the SERP with a minimum reporting period of not less than two years.
For the purposes of this definition, a Verizon local calling area includes a Verizon non-optional Extended Local Calling Scope Arrangement, but does not include a Verizon optional Extended Local Calling Scope Arrangement.