Extended definition

Extended license means a license that extends indefinitely. Perpetual licenses do not include Maintenance Services.
Extended means the intensification of an existing municipal service provided to non-jurisdictional land associated with a land use authority’s redesignation or rezoning after January 1, 2001 as determined by the Commission.
Extended absence in this Article shall mean an absence of one (1) month or longer. The Employer will not be held liable for employees displaced by the employees returning from sick leave. The Employer, however, agrees to give reasonable notice to the displaced employee.

Examples of Extended in a sentence

  • Extended tours may be discontinued by the Union in any facility/unit when sixty percent (60%) of the full-time and part-time employees in the facility/unit so indicate by secret ballot to the Union.

  • Rowe Price Extended Equity Market Index Fund XMX Mutual Fund - Series T.

  • During the Extended Term, either party may terminate this Agreement upon at least sixty (60) days prior written notice.

  • In the event the policy is canceled, non-renewed, switched to occurrence form, or any other event which triggers the right to purchase a Supplemental Extended Reporting Period (SERP) during the life of this contract the Vendor/Contractor agrees to purchase the SERP with a minimum reporting period of not less than two years.

  • For the purposes of this definition, a Verizon local calling area includes a Verizon non-optional Extended Local Calling Scope Arrangement, but does not include a Verizon optional Extended Local Calling Scope Arrangement.

More Definitions of Extended

Extended means the intensification of existing services.
Extended means a period of at least three consecutive weeks.
Extended license means a license of the PLM Software that extends indefinitely. Perpetual licenses do not include Maintenance Services.
Extended exposure means exposure to hazards at mining operations of more than five consecutive work days.
Extended means ADAXO is based on the ISO standardized Extended Vehicle concept (only a single access interface).
Extended license means a license of the MGSP Software that extends indefinitely. Perpetual licenses do not include Maintenance Services.
Extended means a period of at least three consecu- tive weeks.