Examples of External activity in a sentence
External activity factors, such as large industries that produce massive and under-managed wastes, exacerbate the physical burden of the environment.
Bridging the boundary: External activity and performance in organizational teams.
External activity and financial interest disclosure data and other helpful information can be found at the links illustrated below.
Fully stimulate vitality Expand the circle of friends externally and External activity is reflected in the information sharing among partnershipsstrengthen cohesion internally.
A facility can be subdivided into key functional zones Main entry / reception area Community space Service provision and activity areas Staff and administration areas External activity areas.
Bridging the boundary: External activity and performance in organisational teams." Administrative science quarterly.
External activity or outings If the whereabouts of a child Looked After becomes unknown during an activity which is outside the Local Authority area the child resides in, the carer in charge of the external activity will: • Take all reasonable steps to try and locate /make contact with the child including a search of the immediate area;• Notify the local Police force.
External activity and truncated CT images are effectively compensated.
As a result, by 2005-06, the revenue account was brought into surplus (Table 3.1).
How many hours and how many nights Jesus spent in prayer, in intimate communion with his heavenly Father! External activity is doomed to remain sterile unless it is rooted in the sacred and fertile terrain of the interior life.(L.