Financial aspects definition

Financial aspects is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced as follows: “Finanční aspekty” se tímto ruší v celém rozsahu a nahrazuje následujícím zněním:
Financial aspects minimum enrollment goal, expected number of Study subjects enrolled and the expected duration of the Study. Furthermore, personal data of individuals are also exempted from such publication, unless they have been previously published in another public register. The Medical Facility is obliged to publish this Amendment No. 2 together with the Agreement and the Amendment No. 1 in accordance with the article herein above. The Medical Facility will inform Contractual research organization of publishing the Amendment No. 2 together with the Agreement and the Amendment No. 1 by designating the following email address: as the email address to which a notification of publication in the Agreements register shall be sent. Should the Medical Facility fail to publish this Amendment No. 2 together with the Agreement and the Amendment No. 1 within 5 working days from its full execution, it may be published by the Contractual research organization or Sponsor. The estimated value of financial payment under the Agreement, as amended, shall be approximately CZK 151 875. 3. This Amendment No. 2 has been written in four counterparts, each contracting party obtaining one of them. 4. In witness of their consent to the wording hereof, the Parties sign this Amendment No. 2 aspekty”, minimální cílový počet zařazení, očekávaný zařazený počet subjektů a očekávaná délka trvání Studie. Xxxx nebudou takovémuto zveřejnění podléhat osobní údaje fyzických osob, ledaže jsou již zveřejněny v jiném veřejně přístupném registru. Za zveřejnění tohoto Dodatku č. 2 společně se Smlouvou a Dodatkem č. 1 dle předchozího odstavce odpovídá Zdravotnické zařízení. Zdravotnické zařízení vyrozumí Smluvní výzkumnou organizaci o zveřejnění Dodatku č. 2 společně se Smlouvou a Dodatkem č. 1 tak, že ve formuláři používaném ke zveřejnění smlouvy xxxx adresu jako emailovou adresu, na kterou má být zaslána notifikace o uveřejnění. Není-li Dodatek č. 2 společně se Smlouvou a Dodatkem č. 1 zveřejněn Zdravotnickým zařízením ve lhůtě 5 pracovních dní od podpisu Dodatku č. 2 všemi smluvními stranami, jsou k jeho zveřejnění oprávněni Smluvní výzkumná organizace či Zadavatel. Předpokládaná hodnota finančního plnění dle Smlouvy ve znění Dodatku č. 2 činí přibližně 151 875 Kč.
Financial aspects minimum enrollment goal, expected number of Study subjects enrolled and the expected duration of the Study. Furthermore, personal data of individuals are also exempted from such publication, unless they have been previously published in another public register. The Medical Facility is obliged to publish this Amendment No. 2 Článek II. Strany tímto souhlasí s xxx, že všechny ostatní náležitosti a podmínky Smlouvy zůstávají tímto Dodatkem č. 2

Examples of Financial aspects in a sentence

  • Consultation with the Authority – Financial aspects In every school and community there will be key groups who need to be consulted about activities.

  • Financial aspects of the study are addressed in a separate clinical study agreement.

  • Financial aspects of Framework Programmes are discussed in detail in Section 4.1.5. As an example, we list several cooperation projects related to Geomatics that have been supported by the INCO programme.

  • Financial aspects referring to the used manpower (Core Team and Short Term Experts) and the spent incidental expenditure (air tickets, per diem and other expenses) during the covered period and from the start of the Project will be presented in a separate report as per the request of the EU Project Manager.

  • It has been agreed that Financial aspects carry more importance to the Council than the Non Financial aspects.

More Definitions of Financial aspects

Financial aspects minimum enrollment goal, expected number of Study subjects enrolled and the expected duration of the Study. Furthermore, personal data of individuals are also exempted from such publication, unless they have been previously published in another public register. The Medical Facility is obliged to publish *Bude proplaceno po obdržení vyplněných eCRFs.
Financial aspects minimum enrollment goal, expected number of Study subjects enrolled and the expected duration of the Study. Furthermore, personal data of individuals are also exempted from such publication, unless they have been previously published in another public register. The Medical Facility is obliged to publish this Amendment No. 3 in accordance with the article herein above. The Medical Facility will inform Contractual research organization of publishing the Amendment No. 3 by designating the following email address: as the email address to which a notification of publication in the Agreements register shall be sent. Should the Medical Facility fail to publish this Amendment No. 3 within 5 working days from its full execution, it may be published by the Contractual research organization or Sponsor. The estimated value of financial payment under the Agreement, as amended, shall be approximately CZK 1,073,033.50.
Financial aspects. The Council recognises that it is only a contributing partner to the funding needed by Martock Youth Centre and Martock Parish Council. Much of the balance is raised from the Parish Council precept.
Financial aspects minimum enrollment goal, expected number of Study subjects enrolled and the expected duration of the Study. Furthermore, personal data of individuals are also exempted from such publication, The Medical Facility is obliged to publish this Amendment No. 2 together with the Agreement and the Amendment No. 1 in accordance with the article herein above. Should the Medical Facility fail to publish this Amendment No. 2 together with the Agreement and the Amendment No. 1 within 5 working days from its full execution, it may be published by the Contractual research organization or Sponsor. The estimated value of financial payment under the Agreement, as amended, shall be approximately CZK 133960,- 3. This Amendment No. 2 has been written in four counterparts, each contracting party obtaining one of them.
Financial aspects is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced as follows: The payment schedule: Visit Payment per subject for each completed Visit (CZK) Screening visit XXXX Visit 18 phone call XXXX Visit 26 phone call XXXX Visit 30 XXXX Visit 34 phone call XXXX Visit 38 XXXX Visit 42 phone call XXXX Visit 50 phone call XXXX Visit 54 XXXX Unscheduled Visit / Decision to Switch to OLE XXXX Early Withdrawal / End of Washout XXXX Week 6 XXXX Week 12 / Early termination XXXX Unscheduled Visit XXXX Serum pregnancy test XXXX Urine pregnancy test XXXX Chest X-ray, includes interpretation and report XXXX TB screen (QuantiFeron - TB Gold Test) XXXX TB screen (Skin Test) XXXX Colonoscopy, with biopsy XXXX Sigmoidoscopy, with biopsy XXXX Etrolizumab / etrolizumab dummy XXXX Clinic Visits for weeks 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48, 52 if Etrolizumab / etrolizumab dummy to be administered on site XXXX PML Neurologic Examination XXXX Central Labs (Hematology, Chemistry) XXXX Urinalysis XXXX PK sampling (serum) XXXX Central Labs (Anti-therapeutic antibody, CRP) includes Collection, Preparation and Processing XXXX Stool sample collection XXXX Colonic biopsy (CMV) XXXX Colonic biopsies (formalin, for qPCR) XXXX Colonic biopsy (histopathological confirmation of UC) XXXX Biopsy; Staining and preparation of the slides including shipping and handling XXXX Neurologist - Per Hour XXXX Brain MRI with contrast, includes interpretation and report XXXX Brain MRI without contrast, includes interpretation and report XXXX Lumbar puncture XXXX Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis for JCV by PCR XXXX Reconsenting Fee XXXX Screen Failure XXXX
Financial aspects. Budget and payment schedule, minimum enrollment goal, expected number of Study subjects enrolled and the expected duration of the Study. Furthermore, personal data of individuals are also exempted from such publication, unless they have been previously published in another public register. The Medical Facility is obliged to publish this Amendment No. 2 together with the Agreement in accordance with the article herein above. The Medical Facility will inform the Contractual research organization of publishing the Amendment No. 2 together with the Agreement by designating the following email address: as the email address to which a notification of publication in the Agreements register shall be sent. Should the Medical Facility fail to publish this Amendment No. 2 together with the Agreement within 5 working days from its full execution, it may be published by the Sponsor or Contractual research organization. The estimated value of financial payment under the Agreement, as amended, shall be approximately CZK XXXXXXXXXXX
Financial aspects is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced as follows: The payment schedule: Visit Payment per subject for each completed Visit (CZK) XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXX Contractual research organization will pay the Medical Facility up to 5 screening failure patients, in a ratio of 2:1 (2 screen failure patients to be paid for every 1 randomized patient). If the site reaches the cap of 5 screen failure, it should be discussed with relevant CPM before more patients can be screened. To be eligible for reimbursement of screening visit, visit must be logged as a screening failure in IVRS and screening labs performed must be confirmed by lab report. In addition, Medical Facility must provide to Contractual research organization any additional information, which may be requested by Contractual research organization to appropriately document the subject screening procedures. No eCRFs will be collected for screening failure visits and invoices should not be submitted for reimbursement. To recognize Site’s efforts in the Study prescreening procedures, Contractual research organization will compensate Medical Facility XXXX CZK for each subject screened and randomized who was entered in the prescreening log at least 1 month before screening (the “Prescreening Payment”). To be eligible for the Prescreening Payment, Medical Facility must document that prescreening occurred at least 1 month prior to screening by submitting the prescreening log to Contractual research organization once per week. Medical Facility agrees that it will submit to Contractual research organization the prescreening log, completed screening documents, randomization CRF pages, and any additional information requested by Contractual research organization to appropriately document the subject prescreening, screening, and randomization activities. To receive the Prescreening Payment, Medical Facility shall issue an invoice to Contractual research organization containing the Patient Randomization Number of the qualifying subject The Medical Facility is responsible for purchase of pregnancy tests, alcohol pad and gauze during the course of the trial, not to exceed XXXX CZK. Medical Facility will provide such materials to patients (study subjects) to take home for the purposes of study protocol procedures. A supply fee reimbursement for the purchase of pregnancy tests, alcohol pads and gauze will be reimbursed on a pass-through basis upon receipt of invoice ...