Budget and Payment Schedule. Payment Schedule. MSK shall invoice [****] of the total annual budget for each year of research detailed under “Total Budget “ on the following page at the beginning of each calendar quarter, except that the first invoice for [****] of the total annual budget for Year I shall be sent immediately upon execution of this Agreement, the second invoice shall follow at the beginning of the following quarter. TOTALS [****] [****] [****]
A. PERSONNEL COSTS (including Fringe) [****] [****] [****]
B. OTHER COSTS [****] [****] [****] MAJOR EQUIPMENT [****] [****] [****] TRAVEL COSTS [****] [****] [****] MATERIALS, SUPPLIES, AND CONSUMAHLES [****] [****] [****] CONSULTANT COSTS [****] [****] [****] SUBAWARD/CONSORTIUM/ CONTRACTUAL COSTS [****] [****] [****] ANIMAL COSTS [****] [****] [****] RESEARCH-RELATED SUBJECT COSTS [****] [****] [****] OTHER EXPENSES [****] [****] [****]
C. TOTAL DIRECT COSTS [****] [****] [****]
D. TOTAL INDIRECT COSTS (71/1% IDC) [****] [****] [****] X.XXXXX COST
Budget and Payment Schedule. The following budget represents the anticipated costs and funding for conducting the Scope of Work pursuant to this Task Order.
Budget and Payment Schedule. Therefore, the following changes to the Agreement are hereby made:
a. The Budget for Services, attached to the Agreement as Appendix _, is hereby stricken and replaced by the “Amended Budget”, attached hereto as Amendment Appendix _, which is incorporated herein by reference.
b. The Payment Schedule, attached to the Agreement as Appendix __, is hereby stricken and replaced by the “Amended Payment Schedule”, attached hereto as Amendment Appendix __, which is incorporated herein by reference.
Budget and Payment Schedule. In consideration for ICON’s Services under this Project Contract, CORCEPT agrees to pay ICON in accordance with the budget and payment schedule set forth in the attached Exhibit C and incorporated herein by reference. The total amount payable by CORCEPT to ICON under this Project Contract for direct labor costs shall in no way exceed MAXIMUM_COMPENSATION ($XXXXX) without prior written consent of both Parties. All pass-through costs are estimated.
Budget and Payment Schedule. In the event a second payment is made for award amounts exceeding $100,000.00, those payments will be made upon the District’s receipt of an initial report with the appropriate back-up documentation as explained herein. Recipient’s initial report is due no later than [Insert Date or state, is not applicable]. Recipient must submit a final report 13 months from the date of this contract’s execution. The initial and final reports shall verify award funds have been spent in accordance with the purpose of the funding and be submitted with a cover letter, a list of expenditures and accounting, copies of documents including, but not limited to, contracts, invoices, receipts, checks, bank statements, credit card statements and payroll expense reports. If Recipient fails to timely provide reports, Recipient may be subject to discontinuance of funding or a return of CBP Funds to District. Reports shall be delivered to the District’s office.
Budget and Payment Schedule. The Sponsor shall pay either directly or through its designee the Institution a fee for performance of the Study, e.g. for visits, 5. Rozpočet a platební kalendář. Zadavatel se zavazuje přímo nebo prostřednictvím svých zástupců uhradit poskytovateli zdravotních služeb za provádění klinického hodnocení, tj. procedures and other services provided based on this Agreement. The fee shall be paid in accordance with the Payment Schedule, specified in Exhibit A to this Agreement. . The amounts specified in Attachment A represent Institution’s and Investigator’s costs and profit of conducting the Trial. All amounts are inclusive of all direct, indirect, overhead and other costs, including laboratory and ancillary service charges, and will remain firm for the duration of the Trial, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the parties. Neither Institution nor Investigator will directly or indirectly seek or receive compensation from third-party payers for any material, treatment or service that is required by the Protocol and provided or paid for by Sponsor, including, but not limited to, Trial Drug, Trial Subject screening, physician and nurse services, and diagnostic tests. Payments of approved fees will be made in Euros ( EUR) within forty-five (45) days after Sponsor’s or its designee’s receipt of invoice. All payments to the Institution/Investigator will be payable to the following bank account: Masarykův onkologický ústav Bank: Česká národní banka Account number: 00000000/0710 IBAN: CZ58 0710 0000 0000 8753 5621SWIFT CODE: XXXXXXXX za návštěvy, vyšetření a další služby poskytnuté na základě této smlouvy, odměnu v souladu s rozpisem plateb uvedeným v příloze A této smlouvy. Částky uvedené v p říloze A představují náklady a zisk poskytovatele zdravotních služeb a zkoušejícího na provedení klinického hodnocení. Všechny částky zahrnují všechny přímé a nepřímé náklady, režijní náklady a ostatní náklady, včetně nákladů laboratoře a náklady za doplňkové služby a tyto náklady zůstávají po celou dobu klinického hodnocení neměnné, pokud nebude mezi smluvními stranami písemně dohodnuto jinak. Poskytovatel zdravotních služeb ani zkoušejí, nesmí přímo či nepřímo požadovat ani si nechat vyplatit žádnou odměnu od třetích stran za materiál, léčbu či služby, které jsou vyžadovány protokolem a které již byly zaplaceny nebo poskytnuty zadavatelem, včetně mimo jiné studijního léčiva, skríninku subjektů hodnocení, služeb lékaře a zdravotní sestry a diagnostických testů. Úhrada odměny ...
Budget and Payment Schedule. SECTION D. SCREENING FAILURE PAYMENTS is hereby amended by deleting the language contained within Section D – SCREENING FAILURE PAYMENTS in its entirety and replacing it with the following: 1. PŘÍLOHA B. ROZPOČET A HARMONOGRAM PLATEB, ODDÍL D - PLATBY ZA NEÚSPĚŠNÝ SCREENING se tímto maže znění oddílu D – PLATBY ZA NEÚSPĚŠNÝ SCREENING a nahrazuje následujícím:
Budget and Payment Schedule. [Each revised Budget should show the following, on one chart; Budget from the original contract, new amounts added or subtracted, and new total budget. This should follow the format of the original contract.] Therefore, the following changes to the Agreement are hereby made:
a. The Budget for Services, attached to the Task Order as Appendix ___, is hereby stricken and replaced by the “Amended Budget”, attached hereto as Amendment Appendix __, which is incorporated herein by reference.
b. The Payment Schedule, attached to the Task Order as Appendix ___, is hereby stricken and replaced by the “Amended Payment Schedule”, attached hereto as Amendment Appendix ___, which is incorporated herein by reference.
Budget and Payment Schedule. (Page 1 of 2) PAYMENT SCHEDULE:
Budget and Payment Schedule. 1.5.1. Exhibit 2 attached is the preliminary budget as presented on December 15/16, 2021. The Artist shall prepare a final budget, which shall include all goods, services, and materials, with such costs itemized, during the Design Development phase and shall present to the Client for approval with any revisions to the Approved Artwork.
1.5.2. Artist’s calculation of the budget will take into consideration the possible inflation of service and material costs between the date of execution of this Agreement and the anticipated completion date.
1.5.3. If the Artist incurs costs in excess of the amount listed in the budget, the Artist shall pay such excess from the Artist's own funds unless the Artist previously obtained approval for such costs from the Client.